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・PIW東京公演最終日(7月15日)の2公演が収録され、8月9日夜、BSジャパンにて2時間枠で放送されるそうです。安藤さんはこの公演では連日、昼はAmazing Grace、夜はMusic of the Nightを披露していました。どちらが(どちらも?)見られるか楽しみですね。
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美姫さん、管理人の皆様、いつもありがとうございます。アイスショーお疲れ様でした。どんどん、良くなっていくあなたの回復の凄さに驚かされています。 今日、とてもショックな記事を読みました。テクニカルの条件として五種類のトリプルを跳ぶ事が必要なんて。こんな話聞いたことありません。強化選手、全てが五種類のジャンプを完璧に跳べるのでしょうか。じゃあ、皆、優勝ですよね??? 少なくともミニマムポイントをクリアし、それなりの形が整えば、とりあえず強化選手に復帰させるか、さもなければ、B級の国際大会への派遣を検討してしかるべきです。平等って何でしょう。今までそうした強化指定をしても伸び悩んだり、結果が出せない人は沢山います。そして一度、落選すると決して「救済の手」を差し伸べないのが連盟のやりかた。別に美姫さんを特別扱いしろなんて言ってない。国際スケート連盟のやりかたにのっとって進行して欲しいだけ。 一寸興奮しているのですが、考えてみれば美姫さんが今後の大会でばっちり、トリプルを跳んでしまえばOKなんですよね。二つの大会でとにかく表彰台に上がり、連盟をぎゃふんと言わせて!!!!!!。がっつり、明日をくだせえ!(長渕剛 笑)です。 大丈夫ですよ、多分美姫さんは、こういう状況の方が燃えるでしょうね。何度も嫌な目、つらい目にあってきたけれどいつも復活してきました。どんな事があっても後押ししている人達の事忘れないで。無茶な事は百も承知だけれど、筋肉や体のの状態が戻り、精神的に安定さえすれば、あなたはどんな状況でも戦える人ですものね。本当の美姫さんはとっても強い人なんです。あなたの心の奥底には自分でも知らない強靭で逞しく、そして誰よりも美しい魂が潜んでいます。あなたの才能を全て出し尽くしたとは思っていません。まだ、開花すべき才能が潜んでいる。本当のあなたはまだ、姿を見せていないのです。 あんまり、頑張れ、なんて言いません。でもきっと奇跡は起こる。あなたならやってくれる。何だか勝手にそんな気持ちになってしまいました。 でも、無理も、無茶もダメですよ。でも出来ることをひとつひとつ。お子さんやご家族との絆を大切にして、明るい気持ちでアメリカでの振付けをしてくださいね!
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美姫ちゃん、皆さん、こんばんは★13日昼公演のPIWに行ってきました。美姫ちゃんの演目は「Amazing Grace」であまりに美しくて涙がいっぱい出てきました!AOIで観た時よりも体にパワーがみなぎっているというか…動作のひとつひとつが綺麗でした。ふれあいタイムで初めて美姫ちゃんと握手して頂いて、お話もしかたったのですが「あの憧れてた美姫ちゃんが…!」と思うと泣いてしまって、おめでとうございますと言うのが精一杯でした。「泣かないで~」と言ってくれた美姫ちゃんは、インタビューなどで受ける印象と同じく、優しくて本当にファン思いな方なんだなって実感しました。TVやショーで観る美姫ちゃんは腕が長くてすらっとして大きい印象があったんですけど、本物の美姫ちゃんはとにかく細くて小さい!って思いました。鼻も高くて可愛すぎました…☆やっぱり美姫ちゃんの演技からは力をもらえます!美姫ちゃんが笑って今シーズンを終えられるように…!全力応援です!!
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美姫ちゃん、皆さん、こんばんは★13日昼公演のPIWに行ってきました。美姫ちゃんの演目は「Amazing Grace」であまりに美しくて涙がいっぱい出てきました!AOIで観た時よりも体にパワーがみなぎっているというか…動作のひとつひとつが綺麗でした。ふれあいタイムで初めて美姫ちゃんと握手して頂いて、お話もしかたったのですが「あの憧れてた美姫ちゃんが…!」と思うと泣いてしまって、おめでとうございますと言うのが精一杯でした。「泣かないで~」と言ってくれた美姫ちゃんは、インタビューなどで受ける印象と同じく、優しくて本当にファン思いな方なんだなって実感しました。TVやショーで観る美姫ちゃんは腕が長くてすらっとして大きい印象があったんですけど、本物の美姫ちゃんはとにかく細くて小さい!って思いました。鼻も高くて可愛すぎました…☆やっぱり美姫ちゃんの演技からは力をもらえます!美姫ちゃんが笑って今シーズンを終えられるように…!全力応援です!!
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mais conjoint pas trop. J'ai envie de faire un disque aussi lectronique mais d'aller aussi vers la soul, la salsa, les musiques du monde la Cesaria Evora, nous confietil dans un coin de la salle de presse. ÿþ[ Le refus de la castration est peur du désir, crainte de désirer qui est l du quotidien, l des frontières et des bords, des limites, la dialectique des oui et des non, relance d là où le mouvement d du sujet est inépuisable comme le retour du sujet luimême (Daniel Sibony, Le nom et le corps, Seuil, p.
Elle ignore que les hommes détestent les femmes dont la volonté de se faire épouser est trop manifeste. Elles ne dépendent pas non plus d'un styliste qui leur dit: "Oh, c'est le rouge cette saison!" Si le rouge ne leur va pas, elles ne vont pas en porter. Essaie changer les condiitions de ton séjour si tu le peux car si c'est pour venir crever de faim en Pologne ;), mieux vaut sans doute rester en France (ou ailleurs).. [.] Chanel a décliné son sac iconique dans une toile imprimée animaux, un plaisir à 840 euros. ÿþ[ Pour les douleurs, c'est simple, j'en ai très souvent au bout de une heure que je marche avec des chaussures fermées. Le dernier foulard qu'elle a porté.
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Exactly what does garcinia cambogia perform?
Garcinia cambogia is really a organic slimming pill taken out from your rind associated with tamarind fresh fruit. Research uncovered how the rind associated with tamarind fresh fruit is usually full of anti-oxidant. It really is initially present in Indian plus mainly utilized in Native indian cooking food. This helps weight reduction by means of the fat reducing plus diet enhancing pill house.
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Do you know the advantages of using garcinia cambogia dietary supplement?
Garcinia cambogia is extremely efficient within reducing your weight even though you workout delete word
It really is inexpensive and may easily can be found on the internet
It really is manufactured from all-natural substances therefore it is dependable
Do you know the drawbacks this provides?
You are unable to quickly buy this at the local retailer-store
It will require a while for losing weight to consider the impact
You may shed your own urge for food
Can be garcinia cambogia best for you?
Garcinia cambogia evaluations claim that just before taking product, you need to 1st seek advice from your physician to find out if you are clinically skilled to consider the particular health supplement delete word. In case you make reference to the advantages plus negatives associated with making use of garcinia cambogia, you might very easily determine this kind of dietary supplement is normally secure for your wellness. Nevertheless , when you have persistent healthcare problems, expecting, lactating mom, or even consuming servicing medicine, then you definitely are usually extremely prompted approach your physician prior to utilizing the health supplement.
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This is a exotic fresh fruit that is present in Indian plus The african continent. This is a person in the particular lemon or lime family members such as orange plus a melon. Garcinia cambogia is extremely bitter within flavor as well as the external addressing of the fresh fruit can be used as being a kind of essence within exotic nations. Within Indian plus The african continent individuals discovered this costly to buy. Hydroxycitric acidity as well as the draw out from the garcinia Cambogia have the effect of fat reducing.
Nor this inhibits the particular food cravings neither will it activate the mind such as the caffine will. All of the food cravings sedatives plus stimulating drugs produce severe anxious difficulties while this particular Hydroxycitric acidity not just can burn System.Drawing.Bitmap normally but additionally keeps a great degree of energy in your body. Because of this impact the sufferer continues to be mindful entire day and can the actual work together with complete focus. Because of being overweight, the particular response approach to your body gets to be boring which usually leads to the particular past due reaction from the entire body therefore the particular overweight individual turns into boring. If we consume food plus the belly gets complete this transmits a sign towards the human brain it is complete as well as the individual ought to cease eating. Yet this particular response actions from the individual will become slower leading to the particular poor routine associated with overeating. This particular Hydroxycitric acid solution enhances the particular response motion from the individual.
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The particular garcinia cambogia has become well-known everyday within the latest era. The research produced onto it with the doctors uncovers how the garcinia cambogia is an excellent fat reducing real estate agent and also assists with the particular psychological development. Lots of people have got stated it actually assisted all of them within decreasing the.
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This is a exotic fresh fruit that is present in Indian plus The african continent. This is a person in the particular lemon or lime loved ones such as orange plus a melon. Garcinia cambogia is extremely bitter within flavor as well as the external addressing of the fresh fruit is utilized being a kind of essence within exotic nations. Within Indian plus The african continent individuals discovered this costly to buy. Hydroxycitric acid solution as well as the get from the <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=autTpDkwWz0">garcinia cambogia reviews</a> have the effect of fat reduction.
Nor this inhibits the particular craving for food neither can it induce the mind such as the caffine will. All of the food cravings sedatives plus stimulating drugs produce severe anxious issues while this particular Hydroxycitric acidity not just burns up System.Drawing.Bitmap normally but additionally keeps a great degree of energy in your body. Because of this impact the sufferer continues to be mindful entire day and can the actual use complete focus. Because of being overweight, the particular response approach to your body turns into boring which usually leads to the particular past due reaction from the entire body therefore the particular overweight individual gets boring. If we consume food plus the stomach will become complete this transmits a sign towards the mind that it can be complete as well as the individual need to cease eating. Yet this particular response activity from the individual turns into sluggish leading to the particular poor routine associated with overeating. This particular Hydroxycitric acid solution enhances the particular response actions from the individual.
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By|Through} Carl J.C.Inch Pantejo, Copyright laws August 2007.<br><br>(*Below is definitely an excerpt through My Friend Yu -- The actual Wealth Coach," Copyright August 07. Pantejo - B.D. Vurce Posting.)<br><br>One period, after i was a child around 23 years old, I purchased a little, starter house in Marietta, Sarasota. It was about 25-30 moments from the Navy Foundation exactly where I was designated. The home had been tiny as well as old. It was warmed up by heating system essential oil from a fuel tank situated behind
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I was expecting.<br><br>Without the instant need for air, We methodically doffed the Kevlar vest, and hooked this around my arm. I looked at my cousin as well as waived my middle hand in the Kevlar vest.<br><br>My pal took out their regulator, smiled, and caught his thumb in his mouth area. Then he or she simulated putting themself in the butt with it. The which means was apparent: F*ck me personally! I'm never wearing Kevlar inside a helicopter flying within the water!<br><br>And nor am i going to.<br><br>- A Bad Work day -<br><br>Back to the situation at hand: Big Army Parachute, Not-So-Big Guy."<br><br>I understood it was likely to be a poor day when the traditional physique funnel of the large parachute as well as opening shock helped me seem like I had been becoming split in half -- from the genitals upward!<br><br>After beating on my small numbed thighs, I instantly checked my cover and noticed the following touch associated with my personal poor day time.<br><br>Reflexively, We stated out loud, Imagine That" (my own bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For people that weren't indoctrinated in to the wonderful realm of dangerous responsibility, allow me to cue a person in. Almost just about all providers have a bleeding down or even delivering stress," individual catch-phrase they are saying to themselves to right away relax.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve a vital objective. They place you into a way of thinking that is conducive in order to survival, particularly when you're having a bad day at work."<br><br>Catch-phrases will:<br><br>1.Delete damaging/time-consuming emotions out of your current scenario.<br><br>2.
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when the army was creating new ejection chair coaches for his or her aircraft pilots, We offered for ejection chair training duty. In that old days, the coaches used reside charges rather than pneumatic space as well as hydraulic breaks. I shrunk" a centimeter or even 2 (due to spinal disk data compresion), however later regained my personal full, macho elevation associated with 5' 5" a couple of months later.<br><br>One more Extra-Pay Responsibility story?<br><br>O.K.<br><br>A study was purchased to appraise the effects of full body armour (Kevlar) in case of crisis egress from the downed heli-copter. I got very first dibs on this assignment simply because...nicely, mainly because no one else offered!<br><br>That should've already been a sign.<br><br>Anyway, I strapped in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Aviation Water Survival Training course) heli-copter emergency multi-egress/crash simulation.<br><br>The simulation looks like a huge oil drum. The within cabin" is one of the size of the cabin of the troop transportation helo. It is actually suspended above a little, training container (swimming pool) through thick, steel wires. When the actual operator/engineer is motivated, he or she produces tension on the supporting cables and also the device slams in to the water (just like a real helo might during an crisis crash getting into the ocean). After that, because all top-heavy helicopters do, the device begins to change inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all the appropriate egress procedures.<br><br>I remained buckled in to the chair.
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By Carl J.D.Inch Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author My Buddy Yu -- The Prosperity Mentor," Copyright laws July 07. Pantejo -- B.D. Vurce Publishing.<br><br>*The subsequent story is integrated within My Friend Yu - the Prosperity Coach: Guide 2," Pantejo - B.N. Vurce Publishing. Release Day: 2008.<br><br>[Life] Incredible! Is it not?..."<br><br>- Volunteering for Extra Pay -<br><br>I had been usually fairly open-minded" about extra spend. What the Hell, We got'ta function anyway, correct? Why not get a small additional, for just a small extra agony.<br><br>One period We volunteered with regard to Experimental Pay that included me doing a cold-weather mission while wearing a core body's temperature information selection gadget."<br><br>The data was needed to professional better anti-exposure equipment with regard to missions exactly where hypothermia would be a actual danger; also to style nutritionally seem, cold-weather MRE's (meals, ready to consume) personalized to the dimension as well as exercise of each owner.<br><br>In actuality, the ...with a primary body temperature information selection device" had been the official way of saying that We as well as my entire group used to do our jobs in a very cold area Along with Anal THERMOMETERS FIRMLY Stuck UP OUR BUTTS AND ANCHORED Presently there Through A blow up Light bulb After EACH PROBE!<br><br>Needless to say, it had been an inconvenience to take a dump -- as well as instead painful should you didn't remember in order to deflate the actual light bulb!<br><br>Another period,
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By Carl J.C." Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author My Buddy Yu -- The Wealth Coach," Copyright laws August 07. Pantejo - B.N. Vurce Posting.<br><br>*The subsequent story is actually incorporated within My Friend Yu -- the actual Wealth Mentor: Guide 2," Pantejo -- Y.D. Vurce Publishing. Release Date: 08.<br><br>[Life] Amazing! Isn't it?..."<br><br>- Volunteering for added Pay -<br><br>I had been always fairly open-minded" about additional spend. What the actual Heck, I got'ta work anyway, correct? Why not really get a small additional, just for a little extra agony.<br><br>One time We volunteered with regard to Fresh Pay that included me personally carrying out a cold-weather objective while putting on the core body temperature information selection gadget."<br><br>The data had been needed to engineer better anti-exposure gear with regard to tasks where hypothermia would be a real threat; and also to style nutritionally sound, cold-weather MRE's (foods, prepared to eat) individualized to the size as well as activity of every owner.<br><br>In reality, the ...while wearing the primary body's temperature data collection device" was the state method of saying that I and my whole group used to do our work in an exceedingly chilly area Along with RECTAL THERMOMETERS FIRMLY Stuck Upward The Grows AND Moored Presently there BY A blow up Light bulb After EACH PROBE!<br><br>Needless to express, it had been a hassle to take the dump -- and rather painful if you forgot to flatten the actual light bulb!<br><br>Another period,
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Through Carl J.C.Inch Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author My Buddy Yu - The Wealth Coach," Copyright August 2007. Pantejo -- Y.N. Vurce Publishing.<br><br>*The following tale is actually incorporated within My Buddy Yu -- the actual Prosperity Coach: Guide II,Inch Pantejo - B.N. Vurce Publishing. Launch Day: 2008.<br><br>[Life] Incredible! Isn't it?..."<br><br>- Helping out for Extra Spend -<br><br>I had been usually pretty open-minded" regarding additional pay. What the Heck, I got'ta work anyhow, correct? Why not obtain a little additional, just for a small additional agony.<br><br>One period I volunteered for Fresh Pay which involved me personally carrying out a cold-weather mission while wearing the primary body's temperature information selection gadget."<br><br>The data had been required to professional much better anti-exposure gear with regard to missions where hypothermia was a real threat; and also to design nutritionally seem, cold-weather MRE's (foods, ready to eat) personalized towards the dimension and exercise of each operator.<br><br>In reality, the actual ...with the primary body temperature information collection device" was the state method of saying that We and my personal whole team were doing the jobs in an exceedingly cold area Along with Anal THERMOMETERS FIRMLY LODGED UP OUR BUTTS As well as Moored THERE BY AN INFLATABLE Light bulb After Every PROBE!<br><br>Needless to express, it was a hassle to consider the dump - and rather unpleasant should you didn't remember in order to deflate the actual bulb!<br><br>Another period,
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Help you psychologically leave a hazardous/time-sensitive scenario to help fast - frequently life-saving - choices objectively (being an observer, not really a participant).<br><br>3.Relax you (even cause you to laugh) while you marvel in the absurdity associated with existence!<br><br>Again, We stated, Imagine Which."<br><br>Above my head, rather than a incredible complete, round canopy, We noticed exactly what resembled a huge, utilized condom! Either a line-over or even interferance electricity had been preventing atmosphere through blowing up my personal chute.<br><br>I had been rotaing extremely.<br><br>All my attempts to inflate the main chute proved not successful. I distribute the primary shoulder risers - absolutely nothing. I do the pull-up as well as climbed up on one riser as well as release -- hoping the taking, spring action associated with my bodyweight would allow some air enter the cover. No pleasure. I sought out the usual 4-line launch program (a means of controlling/steering the parachute through releasing four outlines at the rear of the actual canopy), however appreciated
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this was an old army chute without any such abilities.<br><br>I pondered whether I ought to try and find the feasible line-over and start cutting lines (one by one) along with my personal connected cloak collection used vinyl cutter.<br><br>By experience, I could feel" that I had not regained fatal velocity (about 147 mph)...however. It had been probably because of the minor friction caused by the actual Used Rubber" flailing over me personally. Physicists will explain that one sq . yard will decrease your free-fall impetus by as much as Twenty percent.<br><br>But a quick look at the on-rushing ground (thought of floor colour starts round the Ten,Thousand to 12,Thousand feet ceiling) and confirmation along with my wrist altimeter told me which i truly did not have much time with regard to actively playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Surgeon along with any problem cloak lines.<br><br>Damn, I personally don't like this at these times...<br><br>[Continued within Imagine That...(3) -- Medical Grass Wars and Angels associated with Mercy Revisited."]<br><br>Your friend
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when the army had been designing brand new ejection seat trainers for his or her jet aircraft pilots, We offered with regard to ejection chair training responsibility. In the old times, the actual trainers utilized live charges rather than pneumatically-driven propulsion as well as hydraulic breaks. I shrunk" the centimeter or even two (due to spine disk compression), but later on obtained my personal complete, macho height of 5' 5" a few months later on.<br><br>One more Extra-Pay Responsibility story?<br><br>O.Nited kingdom.<br><br>A study was ordered in order to appraise the results of full armour (Kevlar) in case of crisis egress from the downed helicopter. I got very first dibs about this task because...well, due to the fact nobody else volunteered!<br><br>That should've been a sign.<br><br>Anyway, We strapped in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Drinking water Survival Training Program) helicopter emergency multi-egress/crash simulation.<br><br>The simulator looks like a giant essential oil drum. The within cabin" is about the size the log cabin of the troop transportation helo. It is hanging above a small, instruction container (swimming pool) through thick, steel wires. When the actual operator/engineer is motivated, he produces tension around the helping wires and also the device slams in to the drinking water (just like a real helo would during an crisis crash getting into the sea). After that, because just about all top-heavy helicopters do, the unit begins to turn inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all of the appropriate egress methods.<br><br>I continued to be buckled into the seat.
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The man's one situation reminded me personally exactly how fortunate I had been to possess my wife. I was instantly full of a great sense of appreciation for that adore and friendship of my wife. Although we were going through a few rough occasions, all of us usually seemed to remember what we should truly designed to one another.<br><br>Now it looked like this particular lonely, old man had been moving?<br><br>I hoped everything would be alright for him. I did not visit a for Sale" register his lawn, and so i walked next door and peered in to their open up front door. Indeed, all his issues counseled me boxed upward. When he or she strolled into his living room carrying another box, I required it through him or her as well as positioned it near the others.<br><br>After chatting for a little bit, he or she explained which their child as well as spouse prolonged an invite to reside together up north; and that he was eager to end up being round his grandchildren. I sincerely wished him or her good luck and requested him or her if he required assist with anything else.<br><br>Then something remarkable happened.<br><br>The guy told me which every thing ended aside from something. He had to remain for two much more days since the people he or she was paying to drain his heating system oil container were as well busy! Immediately I offered to do it for free!<br><br>He was overjoyed.<br><br>I was stunned.<br><br>He had been completely unacquainted with my desperate need for heating system essential oil and had been simply pleased to end up being leaving previously.<br><br>Can you think it?<br><br>One moment I am feeling sorry personally simply because I figured my wife and I might deep freeze; and today my personal neighbors had been giving me a complete tank of heating oil -- enough to last for a minimum of three pay day intervals!<br><br>- Universal Laws in Action -<br><br>The Law of Attraction: Like causes attract such as effects. Being positive attracts more positive things to you; while negativity draws in much more negative things.<br><br>The Law of Cause and Effect: Sowing as well as reaping, karma, or what circles comes around," etc. You literally return that which you hand out. It holds true that no bad action will go unpunished. If you reside by the sword, a person pass away by the sword.<br><br>The Legislation associated with Expected outcomes will go together using the Loa.
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By Carl J.D." Pantejo, Copyright Might 2008<br><br>Author My Friend Yu -- The actual Prosperity Coach," Copyright laws August 2007. Pantejo -- Y.D. Vurce Publishing.<br><br>*The subsequent story is actually integrated within My Buddy Yu - the actual Prosperity Mentor: Guide II," Pantejo -- B.D. Vurce Posting. Launch Date: 2008.<br><br>[Life] Amazing! Isn't it?..."<br><br>- Volunteering for added Pay -<br><br>I was usually pretty open-minded" regarding extra pay. What the Hell, We got'ta work anyhow, right? Why not obtain a little extra, for just a little additional misery.<br><br>One period I volunteered with regard to Experimental Pay that included me personally doing a cold-weather objective while putting on a primary body temperature information selection gadget."<br><br>The information was required to professional better anti-exposure gear for tasks exactly where hypothermia would be a real danger; and also to style nutritionally seem, cold-weather MRE's (meals, prepared to consume) individualized towards the size and exercise of every operator.<br><br>In actuality, the ...while wearing the primary body temperature information collection device" had been the official method of saying that I and my personal whole team were doing the jobs in a very cold region Along with Anal THERMOMETERS FIRMLY LODGED UP The BUTTS As well as Moored THERE Through A blow up Light bulb After Every PROBE!<br><br>Needless to say, it had been an inconvenience to consider the dump -- and rather unpleasant if you forgot in order to deflate the light bulb!<br><br>Another time,
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When We replaced the actual negative thoughts with gratitude (the actual love of my spouse), issues immediately transformed for that much better.<br><br>When We stayed good and agreed to assist the aged guy, the actual world responded within type; giving us a massively good thing in exchange (the heating system oil)!<br><br>And I re-examine my additional “guardian angel,Inch miracle experiences, everything really is sensible now. Whenever We followed the Universal Laws and regulations setup through the Unique Substance (Lord), something or somebody usually made an appearance from nowhere that helped me to during my hour of need.<br><br>“Until the next time, be courageous sufficient to consider a Different Route."<br><br>Your Friend in this Smart Trip known as Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.C." Pantejo<br><br>Law associated with Appeal, Law associated with Cause and Effect, Universal Laws, guardian angel, adore, good, negative.<br><br>Note: If you want to find out more regarding Common Laws, unconditional love, exorcising previous personal devils, and also the Illusive Key associated with Joy, make sure you read the subsequent articles:<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow': From Heartbreak in order to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (2): Coincidence or even Synchronicity: FROM RELAPSE In order to MIRACLES..."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (3): LOST AND FOUND - Kindred Spirits and Errors made in Hurry."<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Four): LOST And located -- Intended to be?"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (5): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (6): “New Beginnings, Aged Endings"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (7) -- Living Nicely?
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I was covered around the inverted deck from the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine That.Inch Kevlar floats!<br><br>The physique armor was so buoyant which i was stuck, upside down on the deck of the 9D5. Even worse, all of those other equipment I had on was getting snagged on everything in my egress route. Cargo hooks, helo body, as well as seats proved to be just one more thing in order to disentangle myself from before I could depart the actual simulation.<br><br>I'm not sure how long I'd already been holding my breath. Activity as well as psychological condition may seriously reduce your breath holding time.<br><br>Outside the trainer, the safety diver, a pal of mine, motioned the “need assistance" signal.<br><br>I smiled as well as waived him or her off.<br><br>Finally, We said “f*ck it,Inch grabbed my personal HEEDs (helicopter crisis egress device -- a small SCUBA bottle how big a sizable café-latte at Starbucks), purged the actual mini-regulator of water, and required the inhale of compressed air.<br><br>This was always a last vacation resort simply because incline to the surface area as well as breathing needed to be controlled later on. On a inhale maintain, you could eliminate the dangers of DCS (decompression illness) and AGE (arterial gasoline embolism -- the more serious condition when a bubble travels through the arteries as well as accommodations in certain rather bothersome places; namely the heart or brain).<br><br>Oh nicely, it was going to be an extended day compared to
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The male's one situation reminded me personally exactly how fortunate I had been to possess my wife. I had been immediately full of an excellent sense of gratitude for the love as well as companionship associated with my spouse. Although i was going through a few tough times, all of us usually appeared to remember what we should really meant to one another.<br><br>Now it appeared as if this lonely, old man had been moving?<br><br>I hoped everything was going to be okay for him or her. I didn't see a “for Sale" register their yard, and so i strolled next door as well as peered into his open front door. Yes, all their things counseled me encased upward. When he or she walked in to their living room carrying another container, I took it through him or her as well as placed it near the other people.<br><br>After chatting for any bit, he or she told me which their child and husband prolonged an invitation to live with them up northern; and that he had been eager to be round his grandchildren. I truly wished him good luck and asked him or her in the event that he needed help with other things.<br><br>Then some thing miraculous occurred.<br><br>The man told me which everything ended aside from something. He had to stay for 2 more days since the individuals he or she was paying to empty their heating oil container were as well hectic! Immediately We offered to get it done free of charge!<br><br>He had been overjoyed.<br><br>I had been surprised.<br><br>He had been completely unacquainted with my personal eager requirement for heating system oil as well as was simply pleased to be leaving previously.<br><br>Can you think this?<br><br>One minute I am feeling sorry personally because I thought my wife and I might freeze; and now my neighbors was providing me a full container associated with heating oil - enough in order to last for a minimum of three payday intervals!<br><br>- Universal Laws in Action -<br><br>The Law of Attraction: Like causes attract like effects. Being positive draws in more positive things into your life; whilst negativity attracts more unfavorable issues.<br><br>The Law associated with Expected outcomes: Sowing and reaping, juice, or even “what goes around comes around,Inch and so on. You actually get back what you dish out. It holds true that no damaging action will go unpunished. If you live by the sword, you pass away through the blade.<br><br>The Legislation of Expected outcomes will go together with the Law of Attraction.
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once the military had been creating brand new ejection seat coaches for his or her jet pilots, I offered with regard to ejection seat instruction responsibility. In the old days, the coaches utilized reside costs instead of pneumatic space as well as hydraulic breaks. I “shrunk" the centimeter or 2 (because of spine disk data compresion), however later on obtained my full, macho height of 5' 5" a couple of months later.<br><br>One much more Extra-Pay Duty tale?<br><br>O.K.<br><br>A study had been ordered to measure the results of full armor (Kevlar) in case of crisis egress from a downed helicopter. I got first dibs about this assignment simply because...nicely, mainly because nobody else offered!<br><br>That should have already been a sign.<br><br>Anyway, We buckled in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Aviation Water Success Training Program) heli-copter emergency multi-egress/crash simulator.<br><br>The simulator looks like a giant essential oil drum. The within “cabin" is one of the size of the cabin of the troop transport helo. It is actually suspended above a small, training container (swimming pool) through heavy, steel cables. When the operator/engineer is actually prompted, he or she releases pressure around the helping wires and the device jams into the water (as being a real helo might during an crisis accident landing into the sea). Then, because just about all top-heavy helicopters do, the device starts to change upside down.<br><br>I knew/taught all of the correct egress procedures.<br><br>I continued to be strapped into the chair.
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The man's one scenario reminded me exactly how fortunate I was to have my spouse. I had been instantly filled with an excellent sense of gratitude for that adore and companionship associated with my wife. Although i was dealing with some rough times, we always seemed to remember what we truly meant to one another.<br><br>Now it looked like this particular lonesome, old man had been shifting?<br><br>I hoped every thing would be alright with regard to him or her. I did not visit a “for Sale" sign in their lawn, so I walked across the street as well as peered in to his open door. Indeed, just about all his things counseled me encased up. When he or she strolled into his living room transporting an additional box, I required this through him and positioned it next to the other people.<br><br>After talking for any little bit, he or she explained which their daughter as well as spouse prolonged an invite to live with them upward north; and that he had been eager to be round his grandchildren. I truly wished him best of luck as well as asked him or her if he or she required help with anything else.<br><br>Then something miraculous occurred.<br><br>The man explained that every thing ended aside from one thing. He had to remain for two more times because the individuals he or she was having to pay to drain their heating system essential oil container were too busy! Immediately I offered to get it done for free!<br><br>He had been thrilled.<br><br>I had been stunned.<br><br>He had been completely unaware of my personal eager need for heating system essential oil and was merely pleased to end up being departing earlier.<br><br>Can you believe it?<br><br>One moment I am sensation i'm sorry for myself because I figured my wife and I might freeze; and today my neighbor was giving us a full tank of heating system essential oil - enough in order to continue for a minimum of 3 pay day periods!<br><br>- Universal Laws for action -<br><br>The Law of Attraction: Like causes attract such as effects. Being good draws in more positive issues to you; while negative thoughts draws in much more negative things.<br><br>The Legislation associated with Expected outcomes: Sowing as well as enjoying, karma, or even “what goes around comes around,Inch etc. You literally get back what you hand out. It holds true that no damaging deed will go unpunished. If you reside through the sword, you die by the blade.<br><br>The Law associated with Cause and Effect goes hand in hand with the Law of Attraction.
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The male's solitary scenario advised me exactly how fortunate I was to possess my wife. I was instantly filled with a great sense of gratitude for the love as well as companionship associated with my spouse. Although i was dealing with some tough occasions, we usually seemed to remember what we should really meant to each other.<br><br>Now it appeared as if this lonesome, aged man was shifting?<br><br>I wished everything would end up being okay with regard to him. I didn't see a “for Sale" register their lawn, so I walked across the street and peered in to his open up front door. Yes, all his things counseled me encased upward. When he or she walked in to their living room transporting another container, We took it from him or her and placed it near the other people.<br><br>After chatting for any bit, he explained which their daughter and husband prolonged an invitation to live together upward north; and that he had been eager to end up being round his grandchildren. I truly wished him or her good luck as well as requested him if he or she required help with other things.<br><br>Then some thing remarkable happened.<br><br>The man told me that every thing ended except for one thing. He had to remain for 2 more days because the people he was having to pay to drain his heating system essential oil tank were as well busy! Immediately We offered to do it for free!<br><br>He had been thrilled.<br><br>I had been stunned.<br><br>He was totally unacquainted with my eager requirement for heating oil and was simply happy to end up being departing previously.<br><br>Can you think this?<br><br>One moment I am sensation sorry personally simply because I thought my wife and I might deep freeze; and today my neighbors was giving us a full container of heating system essential oil - sufficient in order to continue for at least 3 payday intervals!<br><br>- Common Laws for action -<br><br>The Loa: Like leads to attract such as results. Being positive attracts better issues into your life; while negativity draws in more negative issues.<br><br>The Legislation of Expected outcomes: Sowing and reaping, juice, or even “what circles appears,Inch and so on. You actually return that which you hand out. It is true which no bad action will go unpunished. If you live by the sword, a person die by the blade.<br><br>The Law of Expected outcomes goes hand in hand using the Law of Attraction.
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ongoing series of articles about love, love, Asian/Western associations, relationship analysis, and more.)<br><br>“How Dare She! Out associated with Frustration I Discovered How you can Forgive"<br><br>“Remember Who You Are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Recover Your own Damaged Heart? Continue reading. Overcome Heartbreak and Learn the Imaginary Secret associated with Joy."<br><br>“Simple (and Invaluable) Existence Lessons in the Most Influential Prosperity Mentor in My Life -- My Father"<br><br>And much more!<br><br>(By Carl “J.D." Pantejo as well as released internet-wide, keyword: [title associated with article] or “Carl Pantejo")
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Farangs and Finance: The Myth"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (8) Living Well? Farangs and Financial: The truth, Stupidity, and difficult Scrapes."<br><br>“How Care Your woman! Out of Frustration We Learned How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Recover Your Damaged Coronary heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Discover the Illusive Secret of Happiness."<br>“Simple (and Invaluable) Existence Training In the Most Important Wealth Coach in My Existence - My personal Father"<br>And a lot more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo and published internet-wide, key phrase: [title associated with
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Through Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author “My Buddy Yu - The Prosperity Mentor," Copyright laws August 07. Pantejo - B.D. Vurce Posting.<br><br>*The following story is integrated within “My Buddy Yu -- the Prosperity Mentor: Book II,Inch Pantejo -- B.N. Vurce Publishing. Launch Day: 2008.<br><br>“[Life] Incredible! Is it not?..."<br><br>- Helping out for Extra Pay -<br><br>I was usually fairly “open-minded" about additional pay. What the Hell, We got'ta work anyway, right? Why not really get a small extra, just for a little extra agony.<br><br>One period We volunteered for Fresh Spend which included me doing a cold-weather mission “while wearing a primary body's temperature data selection device."<br><br>The information was required to engineer much better anti-exposure equipment for missions exactly where hypothermia would be a actual threat; and also to style nutritionally sound, cold-weather MRE's (meals, prepared to eat) personalized to the dimension as well as activity of each operator.<br><br>In actuality, the actual “...while wearing the primary body temperature data collection device" had been the state way of saying that We as well as my personal whole group used to do our work in a very cold region WITH Anal THERMOMETERS Securely LODGED UP OUR BUTTS AND Moored Presently there Through A blow up BULB AT THE END OF EACH PROBE!<br><br>Needless to say, it had been a hassle to consider the dump -- and instead unpleasant if you forgot to flatten the bulb!<br><br>Another period,
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When I changed the mental poison with gratitude (the love of my spouse), things instantly changed for that better.<br><br>When I remained positive and agreed to assist the aged guy, the universe replied in kind; giving me a massively good thing in exchange (the heating essential oil)!<br><br>And I re-examine my additional “guardian angel," wonder experiences, everything really makes sense right now. Whenever We followed the actual Universal Laws set up by the Unique Substance (Lord), some thing or somebody usually appeared from nowhere to help me in my hr associated with require.<br><br>“Until next time, be brave sufficient to take a Different Route."<br><br>Your Friend within this Smart Journey known as Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.C." Pantejo<br><br>Law of Attraction, Law of Expected outcomes, Universal Laws and regulations, guardian angel, love, positive, unfavorable.<br><br>Note: If you want to find out more regarding Universal Laws and regulations, unconditional adore, exorcising past individual demons, and also the Illusive Secret of Joy, make sure you browse the following content articles:<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow': From Heartbreak in order to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (2): Coincidence or Synchronicity: FROM RELAPSE TO Wonders..."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Three): LOST And located - Kindred Mood as well as Errors made in Haste."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Four): LOST AND FOUND - Intended to be?"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (5): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (6): “New Origins, Old Endings"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (7) -- Living Nicely?
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article] or even “Carl Pantejo")<br><br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.org
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Farangs as well as Finance: The Myth"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (8) Living Nicely? Farangs as well as Financial: The Reality, Ignorance, and difficult Scrapes."<br><br>“How Dare She! Out of Desperation I Learned How you can Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need to Heal Your Broken Coronary heart? Continue reading. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Learn the Illusive Key associated with Joy."<br>“Simple (as well as Invaluable) Life Training In the Most Influential Prosperity Coach in My Existence - My Father"<br>And a lot more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo as well as released internet-wide, key phrase: [title of
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I had been covered on the inverted deck of the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine Which." Kevlar floats!<br><br>The body armour am buoyant which i was stuck, inverted on the deck of the 9D5. A whole lot worse, the rest of the gear I'd upon was getting snagged on everything in my personal egress path. Cargo hooks, helo body, and seats turned out to be only one much more thing to disentangle myself through before I could depart the simulation.<br><br>I'm unsure just how long I would been holding my personal breath. Activity and emotional state may seriously cut your inhale keeping time.<br><br>Outside the trainer, the safety scuba diver, a buddy associated with my own, motioned the actual “need assistance" signal.<br><br>I smiled as well as waived him or her off.<br><br>Finally, I stated “f*ck this," grabbed my HEEDs (heli-copter emergency egress gadget -- a small SCUBA container how big a sizable café-latte from Starbucks), purged the actual mini-regulator water, and took a inhale of compressed air.<br><br>This had been usually a last resort simply because ascent to the surface area and breathing had to be controlled afterwards. On the breath hold, you could eliminate the dangers associated with DCS (decompression illness) as well as AGE (arterial gasoline embolism -- the more serious condition whenever a percolate travels through the blood vessels and lodges in some rather bothersome locations; namely one's heart or brain).<br><br>Oh nicely, it had been likely to be a longer day time than
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this had been an old army chute without any this kind of capabilities.<br><br>I pondered regardless of whether I should try and find the possible line-over and start reducing lines (one at a time) along with my personal connected shroud line used vinyl cutter.<br><br>By encounter, I could “feel" which i had not obtained terminal velocity (about 147 miles per hour)...however. It was probably due to the small friction brought on by the “Used Rubber" flailing above me personally. Physicists will tell you that certain square lawn will lower your free-fall momentum through up to 20 per cent.<br><br>But a fast look at the on-rushing ground (thought of floor colour begins around the Ten,000 in order to Twelve,000 feet roof) as well as verification with my personal wrist altimeter told me which i really did not have much time with regard to actively playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Surgeon with any kind of offending cloak lines.<br><br>Damn, I hate it at these times...<br><br>[Continued within “Imagine That...(3) - Healthcare Turf Wars as well as Angels of Mercy Revisited."]<br><br>Your friend
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By|Through} Carl “J.C." Pantejo, Copyright laws August 07.<br><br>(*Below is definitely an excerpt through “My Buddy Yu -- The actual Wealth Coach,Inch Copyright laws August 2007. Pantejo - Y.D. Vurce Posting.)<br><br>One period, when I was a young man of about Twenty three years of age, I bought a little, starter home in Marietta, Florida. It involved 25-30 moments away from the Navy Base exactly where I was assigned. The house had been tiny as well as old. It was warmed up by heating system oil from the gas tank situated behind
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These improvements had been absurdly costly - occasionally 20-30% interest, excluding the actual up-front processing fees!<br><br>Of course, that just remaining me beginning the following 30 days with a smaller sized salary.<br><br>- Diversion or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been feeling i'm sorry for myself. How did I recieve this way? I usually labored very difficult. I was never extravagant in almost any area of our monetary matters. How? Why? It just didn't make sense at the time.<br><br>Then, a few activity in the home next door sidetracked me personally; momentarily liberating me from the present “woe-is-me syndrome."<br><br>It looked like my neighbors was moving.<br><br>I experienced recognized the old man for around eight months (the entire period I had been at home through army operations in the last 12 months and a half). Because he or she appeared therefore lonesome, I usually managed to get a point to express hello. I helped him with his lawn when I could, as well as let him tell me regarding their existence.
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Depending on how much in the universe and just how numerous were affected by your ideas or even actions, the actual accrued come back from the world could be the size of a little influx; or even the size of a great surfing influx; or even the size a massive tsunami!<br><br>- Heating system Essential oil as well as Universal Laws and regulations -<br><br>Now, I understand the reason why the above mentioned “heating oil" occasion unfolded the actual way it do.<br><br>In the start, the actual negativity and self-pity We stored focusing on really drawn more of the exact same (Loa).
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I had been plastered around the inverted outdoor patio of the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine That." Kevlar drifts!<br><br>The physique armour was so confident which i was stuck, upside down on the deck of the 9D5. A whole lot worse, all of those other equipment I had on had been getting snagged on everything in my egress path. Cargo barbs, helo body, and chairs proved to be only one more thing in order to disentangle personally through prior to I possibly could depart the actual simulator.<br><br>I'm unsure just how long I would already been holding my breath. Activity as well as emotional condition may seriously cut your inhale holding period.<br><br>Outside the trainer, the security diver, a pal of mine, motioned the actual “need assistance" transmission.<br><br>I smiled as well as waived him or her away.<br><br>Finally, We said “f*ck this," snapped up my HEEDs (heli-copter crisis egress gadget -- a little SCUBA container the size of a large café-latte from Local cafe), cleared the actual mini-regulator of water, and took a inhale associated with compressed atmosphere.<br><br>This had been always a final vacation resort simply because incline to the surface as well as inhaling and exhaling had to be managed later on. On the inhale hold, you could eliminate the dangers of DCS (decompression sickness) as well as AGE (arterial gas embolism -- the more severe situation whenever a bubble travels through the blood vessels and accommodations in some instead inconvenient places; namely the heart or mind).<br><br>Oh nicely, it was likely to be an extended day compared to
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The man's solitary scenario reminded me personally how lucky I was to possess my spouse. I had been immediately filled with an excellent feeling of appreciation for the adore as well as friendship associated with my wife. Although i was going through a few tough occasions, all of us usually appeared to remember what we really designed to each other.<br><br>Now this appeared as if this particular lonely, old guy was shifting?<br><br>I hoped everything would end up being alright with regard to him. I didn't see a “for Sale" register their yard, so I strolled next door as well as peered into his open up door. Yes, just about all their things were all boxed upward. When he or she strolled in to his family room carrying an additional box, I required it from him or her and positioned this next to the others.<br><br>After chatting for any bit, he or she told me that their daughter as well as husband extended an invitation to live together upward northern; and that he had been wanting to be round his grandkids. I sincerely wished him or her good luck as well as asked him or her if he or she required help with other things.<br><br>Then some thing miraculous occurred.<br><br>The man explained which everything was done aside from one thing. He had to remain for 2 more days because the individuals he or she was having to pay to empty their heating oil tank were too hectic! Immediately I volunteered to get it done free of charge!<br><br>He was overjoyed.<br><br>I had been stunned.<br><br>He was completely unaware of my desperate need for heating system essential oil and had been simply pleased to be leaving earlier.<br><br>Can you believe it?<br><br>One moment I am feeling i'm sorry for myself because I figured we would freeze; and now my neighbor had been giving us a full tank associated with heating system oil -- enough in order to last for at least 3 payday periods!<br><br>- Common Laws in Action -<br><br>The Loa: Like leads to appeal to like results. Being positive draws in more positive things to you; while negative thoughts attracts much more unfavorable issues.<br><br>The Law of Cause and Effect: Sowing and reaping, karma, or even “what circles appears,Inch etc. You actually get back that which you dish out. It is true which no bad action will go unpunished. If you live through the blade, a person pass away through the sword.<br><br>The Law associated with Cause and Effect will go together using the Loa.
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this had been an old military chute with no such abilities.<br><br>I pondered regardless of whether I should try to find the feasible line-over and begin reducing lines (one at a time) along with my personal hooked shroud collection used vinyl cutter.<br><br>By experience, I could “feel" that I had not obtained fatal velocity (regarding 147 mph)...however. It had been most likely because of the minor rubbing caused by the “Used Rubber" flailing over me personally. Physicists will tell you that one sq . lawn will lower your free-fall impetus by as much as 20 percent.<br><br>But a quick look at the on-rushing floor (thought of floor colour begins round the 10,000 to 12,Thousand feet ceiling) as well as confirmation along with my arm altimeter explained which i really didn't have much time with regard to playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Surgeon along with any problem cloak lines.<br><br>Damn, I hate it at these times...<br><br>[Continued within “Imagine Which...(3) - Medical Turf Conflicts and Angels of Whim Revisited."]<br><br>Your buddy
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within this Intrepid Journey called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Responsibility Motivation Pay, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other articles through the writer:<br><br>“Imagine Which...(One) -- The Asian Angel of Mercy and Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Thoughts associated with Life, a Different Path, articles (One) - (7)." (It is really an continuing series of content articles that focus on self-improvement, success, as well as happiness).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' sequence, articles (One) -- (Twenty three).Inch (This is another
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By|Through} Carl “J.D." Pantejo, Copyright laws August 2007.<br><br>(*Below is definitely an clip from “My Friend Yu - The actual Wealth Mentor," Copyright laws July 07. Pantejo -- B.D. Vurce Publishing.)<br><br>One time, after i would be a child of about 23 years of age, I bought a small, beginner house within Marietta, Sarasota. It was about 25-30 minutes away from the Navy Base exactly where I was designated. The house had been small and aged. It was warmed up by heating system oil from the fuel tank located behind
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These improvements were ridiculously expensive - occasionally 20-30% interest, excluding the up-front digesting fees!<br><br>Of program, that simply remaining me personally beginning the next month with a smaller sized salary.<br><br>- Diversion or Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I was sensation i'm sorry for myself. How did I get by doing this? I always worked very hard. I never was luxurious in any section of the monetary matters. How? The reason why? It simply did not make sense at that time.<br><br>Then, a few activity in the home across the street distracted me personally; briefly liberating me from the current “woe-is-me affliction."<br><br>It looked like my personal neighbor was moving.<br><br>I experienced recognized the old man for around 8 several weeks (the entire time I was at home from military procedures in the last year and a half). Because he seemed therefore lonely, I always managed to get a point to say hello. I helped him or her together with his yard after i might, and allow him to let me know regarding their existence.
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this had been an old army chute without any such abilities.<br><br>I pondered regardless of whether I should try to discover the possible line-over and start cutting lines (one by one) with my connected shroud collection cutter.<br><br>By experience, I possibly could “feel" which i had not obtained fatal velocity (regarding 147 miles per hour)...however. It had been probably because of the small rubbing brought on by the “Used Rubber" flailing above me. Physicists will tell you that certain sq . lawn may lower your free-fall impetus through up to 20 percent.<br><br>But a fast look at the on-rushing floor (perception of ground color begins around the 10,000 to Twelve,000 foot ceiling) and verification with my personal wrist altimeter explained that I truly didn't have enough time for actively playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Surgeon along with any problem shroud outlines.<br><br>Damn, I personally don't like this at these times...<br><br>[Continued in “Imagine That...(3) -- Medical Grass Conflicts as well as Angels associated with Mercy Revisited."]<br><br>Your buddy
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By|Through} Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo, Copyright August 2007.<br><br>(*Below is an excerpt through “My Friend Yu - The actual Prosperity Coach,Inch Copyright July 07. Pantejo - B.N. Vurce Posting.)<br><br>One time, when I was a child around Twenty three years old, I bought a little, starter home within Marietta, Florida. It was about 25-30 minutes away from the Navy Base exactly where I was designated. The home had been tiny as well as old. It was warmed through heating essential oil from a gas tank located behind
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Farangs and Financial: The Myth"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Eight) Living Nicely? Farangs and Finance: The truth, Ignorance, and Hard Scrapes."<br><br>“How Care She! Out associated with Frustration We Learned How you can Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need to Heal Your own Damaged Heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Discover the Illusive Secret of Happiness."<br>“Simple (as well as Invaluable) Life Lessons In the Most Important Prosperity Mentor in My Life - My personal Father"<br>And a lot more!<br><br>(By Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo as well as released internet-wide, key phrase: [title associated with
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The man's solitary scenario advised me how fortunate I was to possess my spouse. I was immediately filled with an excellent sense of appreciation for the love and companionship of my spouse. Although i was going through a few rough times, all of us usually appeared to keep in mind what we really designed to one another.<br><br>Now this looked like this particular lonely, aged guy was shifting?<br><br>I hoped every thing was going to be okay for him. I did not see a “for Sale" sign in their yard, and so i strolled next door as well as peered into their open door. Yes, just about all his issues counseled me encased upward. When he strolled in to his living room transporting an additional container, I took it from him or her as well as placed this near the other people.<br><br>After chatting for a little bit, he or she told me that his child and spouse extended an invite to reside with them upward northern; and that he was wanting to be round his grandchildren. I sincerely wished him or her good luck as well as requested him or her in the event that he needed assist with anything else.<br><br>Then some thing miraculous happened.<br><br>The guy explained that every thing was done except for something. He had to stay for two more times since the individuals he was paying to empty their heating essential oil tank were as well busy! Immediately We volunteered to get it done free of charge!<br><br>He had been overjoyed.<br><br>I was surprised.<br><br>He had been completely unacquainted with my personal desperate requirement for heating essential oil as well as was simply happy to be departing previously.<br><br>Can you believe it?<br><br>One moment I'm feeling sorry personally because I figured my wife and I would deep freeze; and now my neighbor had been providing us a complete container of heating system oil - sufficient to continue for at least three payday periods!<br><br>- Common Laws and regulations for action -<br><br>The Loa: Like leads to appeal to like effects. Being positive draws in more positive issues to you; while negativity attracts much more unfavorable things.<br><br>The Law associated with Expected outcomes: Sowing as well as reaping, karma, or even “what circles comes around,Inch and so on. You actually get back that which you hand out. It holds true which no damaging action will go unpunished. If you reside by the blade, you pass away by the sword.<br><br>The Legislation associated with Cause and Effect goes hand in hand with the Law of Attraction.
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ongoing series of articles about love, love, Asian/Western associations, relationship analysis, and more.)<br><br>“How Dare She! Out associated with Frustration We Learned How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember Who You Are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Heal Your own Broken Coronary heart? Continue reading. Overcome Heartbreak and Learn the Illusive Secret of Joy."<br><br>“Simple (as well as Invaluable) Life Lessons in the The majority of Important Wealth Mentor in My Existence - My personal Father"<br><br>And much more!<br><br>(By Carl “J.C." Pantejo as well as released internet-wide, keyword: [title of article] or even “Carl Pantejo")
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I was expecting.<br><br>Without the actual instant need for atmosphere, I systematically doffed the actual Kevlar vest, and hooked it about my equip. I looked at my cousin and waived my personal center finger in the Kevlar vest.<br><br>My buddy got their regulator, smiled, and caught their usb in the mouth. Then he simulated poking himself in the ass by using it. The which means was obvious: F*ck me! I'm never putting on Kevlar in a heli-copter soaring within the water!<br><br>And nor am i going to.<br><br>- A poor Work day -<br><br>Back towards the situation at hand: “Big Military Parachute, Not-So-Big Man."<br><br>I knew it was likely to be a bad day once the archaic body harness from the big parachute and starting surprise made me seem like I was becoming split in two - from the genitals upward!<br><br>After beating on my small numbed legs, I immediately checked my cover and saw the next hint of my bad day.<br><br>Reflexively, I said out loud, “Imagine That" (my personal “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For people that weren't indoctrinated in to the wonderful world of hazardous duty, allow me to signal you in. Almost just about all operators possess a “bleeding lower or releasing pressure,Inch personal catch-phrase they say privately to right away calm down.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve a vital purpose. They place you into a way of thinking that's favorable to success, particularly when you are “having a bad day at work."<br><br>Catch-phrases may:<br><br>1.Remove damaging/time-consuming emotions from your current scenario.<br><br>2.
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By|Through} Carl “J.D." Pantejo, Copyright laws August 2007.<br><br>(*Below is an clip from “My Friend Yu - The actual Prosperity Mentor,Inch Copyright laws August 2007. Pantejo -- B.N. Vurce Posting.)<br><br>One time, when I was a child of about Twenty three years of age, I bought a little, beginner home within Marietta, Florida. It involved 25-30 minutes away from the Navy blue Foundation where I had been designated. The house was tiny and aged. It had been warmed through heating system oil from the gas tank situated at the rear of
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Farangs and Finance: The Myth"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Eight) Residing Well? Farangs and Finance: The truth, Ignorance, and difficult Scrapes."<br><br>“How Care Your woman! Out associated with Frustration We Learned How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need to Heal Your own Damaged Coronary heart? Continue reading. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Discover the Imaginary Key of Joy."<br>“Simple (as well as Priceless) Existence Lessons From the Most Important Prosperity Coach during my Life - My Father"<br>And much more!<br><br>(By Carl “J.D." Pantejo and published internet-wide, key phrase: [title associated with
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in this Smart Journey called Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay, Kevlar, hypothermia, experimental, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles through the author:<br><br>“Imagine Which...(One) - The actual Hard anodized cookware Angel of Whim and Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Notions associated with Existence, another Route, articles (1) -- (7)." (It is really an continuing number of articles that focus on self-improvement, success, as well as joy).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' series, content articles (One) - (Twenty three).Inch (This really is another
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Through Carl “J.C." Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author “My Friend Yu - The Prosperity Coach," Copyright August 2007. Pantejo - B.N. Vurce Publishing.<br><br>*The subsequent tale is actually incorporated in “My Friend Yu -- the actual Prosperity Mentor: Book II,Inch Pantejo -- B.N. Vurce Publishing. Release Date: 08.<br><br>“[Life] Incredible! Isn't it?..."<br><br>- Helping out for added Spend -<br><br>I had been usually pretty “open-minded" about additional pay. What the Heck, We got'ta function anyway, right? Why not obtain a small additional, for just a small additional misery.<br><br>One period I volunteered with regard to Fresh Spend that included me carrying out a cold-weather objective “while putting on a primary body's temperature data collection device."<br><br>The data was needed to engineer much better anti-exposure gear with regard to tasks where hypothermia was a actual danger; also to style nutritionally sound, cold-weather MRE's (meals, ready to eat) personalized towards the size as well as exercise of each owner.<br><br>In actuality, the actual “...with the core body's temperature information collection device" was the state way of stating that I as well as my whole group used to do our work in a very cold area WITH Anal THERMOMETERS Securely LODGED UP The Grows As well as Moored THERE BY A blow up BULB AT THE END OF EACH PROBE!<br><br>Needless to say, it was a hassle to consider the dump - as well as rather unpleasant should you didn't remember to flatten the actual bulb!<br><br>Another period,
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Through Carl “J.D." Pantejo, Copyright laws May 2008<br><br>Author “My Friend Yu - The Wealth Coach,Inch Copyright July 07. Pantejo -- B.D. Vurce Publishing.<br><br>*The following story is actually incorporated within “My Friend Yu - the Wealth Coach: Guide II,Inch Pantejo -- B.N. Vurce Posting. Launch Day: 08.<br><br>“[Life] Incredible! Is it not?..."<br><br>- Volunteering for added Pay -<br><br>I was usually fairly “open-minded" regarding extra spend. What the Hell, We got'ta function anyway, correct? Why not really get a little additional, for just a little additional agony.<br><br>One time We offered with regard to Experimental Spend which included me doing a cold-weather mission “while putting on the core body's temperature information selection gadget."<br><br>The information had been needed to engineer much better anti-exposure gear for tasks where hypothermia was a real danger; and also to style nutritionally seem, cold-weather MRE's (foods, ready to consume) individualized towards the dimension as well as activity of each operator.<br><br>In reality, the actual “...with a primary body's temperature data selection device" was the state method of saying that I as well as my entire group used to do the jobs in a very cold area Along with Anal THERMOMETERS Securely LODGED UP OUR Grows AND ANCHORED THERE Through A blow up Light bulb After Every PROBE!<br><br>Needless to express, it was a hassle to take the get rid of - and instead painful should you didn't remember to deflate the light bulb!<br><br>Another time,
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By|Through} Carl “J.D." Pantejo, Copyright July 07.<br><br>(*Below is an excerpt through “My Buddy Yu - The Prosperity Mentor,Inch Copyright July 07. Pantejo -- Y.N. Vurce Publishing.)<br><br>One period, after i was a young man around Twenty three years old, I purchased a little, starter house within Marietta, Sarasota. It involved 25-30 moments from the Navy blue Base exactly where I was assigned. The house was tiny as well as aged. It had been warmed up by heating essential oil from the gas tank situated at the rear of
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that this was an old military chute without any such abilities.<br><br>I pondered whether I ought to try to find the possible line-over and begin reducing outlines (one by one) with my hooked shroud line used vinyl cutter.<br><br>By experience, I could “feel" which i had not regained fatal speed (about 147 miles per hour)...however. It had been most likely because of the small rubbing caused by the actual “Used Rubber" flailing over me personally. Physicists will explain that one sq . lawn may lower your free-fall impetus by up to Twenty percent.<br><br>But a fast glance at the on-rushing ground (perception of floor color starts around the Ten,000 to Twelve,000 feet roof) as well as confirmation along with my personal arm altimeter explained which i truly didn't have much time for actively playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Surgeon along with any problem shroud outlines.<br><br>Damn, I hate this when this happens...<br><br>[Continued within “Imagine That...(3) -- Healthcare Grass Wars and Angels of Whim Revisited."]<br><br>Your friend
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continuing number of articles regarding adore, love, Asian/Western relationships, romantic relationship analysis, and much more.)<br><br>“How Dare She! Out associated with Frustration We Learned How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember Who You Are!"<br><br>“Need to Recover Your own Broken Coronary heart? Continue reading. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Discover the Imaginary Key of Joy."<br><br>“Simple (and Priceless) Existence Lessons from the The majority of Important Prosperity Mentor during my Existence -- My Father"<br><br>And a lot more!<br><br>(By Carl “J.D." Pantejo and released internet-wide, key phrase: [title of article] or even “Carl Pantejo")
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this had been a classic military chute with no such abilities.<br><br>I considered regardless of whether I ought to try to find the feasible line-over and start cutting outlines (one by one) along with my connected shroud collection used vinyl cutter.<br><br>By encounter, I could “feel" that I hadn't obtained terminal speed (regarding 147 miles per hour)...however. It had been most likely because of the minor rubbing brought on by the actual “Used Rubber" flailing over me. Physicists will explain that certain sq . yard will lower your free-fall impetus by up to 20 percent.<br><br>But a quick look at the on-rushing floor (perception of ground color starts round the Ten,Thousand to 12,000 foot roof) and verification with my wrist altimeter told me which i truly did not have much time with regard to actively playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Doctor along with any kind of offending cloak lines.<br><br>Damn, I personally don't like it at these times...<br><br>[Continued within “Imagine That...(Three) -- Healthcare Turf Conflicts and Angels of Whim Revisited."]<br><br>Your friend
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in this Smart Journey called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Responsibility Motivation Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other articles by the writer:<br><br>“Imagine Which...(One) - The Asian Angel associated with Whim as well as Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Thoughts of Existence, a Different Path, content articles (1) -- (7)." (This is an continuing number of content articles that focus on self-improvement, success, and joy).<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' sequence, articles (One) -- (Twenty three)." (This really is an additional
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I was covered on the upside down outdoor patio of the simulation.<br><br>“Imagine That." Kevlar drifts!<br><br>The body armour was so buoyant that I was caught, upside down on the outdoor patio of the 9D5. A whole lot worse, all of those other gear I'd on had been obtaining snagged upon my way through my personal egress path. Cargo barbs, helo body, and seats proved to be only one much more thing to disentangle personally from prior to I possibly could leave the simulation.<br><br>I'm unsure just how long I'd already been holding my breath. Activity as well as psychological condition may severely cut your breath holding time.<br><br>Outside the actual trainer, the safety diver, a buddy of mine, motioned the “need assistance" signal.<br><br>I smiled and waived him away.<br><br>Finally, I stated “f*ck this,Inch snapped up my personal HEEDs (helicopter crisis egress gadget -- a small SCUBA bottle how big a sizable café-latte at Starbucks), cleared the actual mini-regulator of water, and required a inhale associated with compressed air.<br><br>This had been usually a final resort simply because ascent towards the surface area as well as inhaling and exhaling needed to be managed later on. On the inhale hold, you could eliminate the risks of DCS (decompression illness) and Grow older (arterial gasoline embolism -- the greater severe condition when a bubble travels through the blood vessels as well as accommodations in certain instead inconvenient locations; specifically the heart or mind).<br><br>Oh nicely, it had been going to be a longer day time than
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in this Smart Journey called Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Duty Incentive Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, experimental, hashish, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles by the author:<br><br>“Imagine Which...(1) -- The Asian Angel of Mercy as well as Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Notions of Existence, another Route, articles (One) - (7)." (It is really an continuing series of content articles that target self-improvement, success, and happiness).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' series, articles (One) - (23).Inch (This is an additional
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The man's solitary situation advised me personally exactly how fortunate I was to possess my spouse. I was instantly full of a great sense of appreciation for the adore and friendship of my spouse. Although i was going through some rough times, all of us always appeared to remember what we really meant to each other.<br><br>Now this appeared as if this lonely, aged guy was moving?<br><br>I hoped everything was going to be okay for him or her. I didn't visit a “for Sale" sign in his yard, so I strolled next door and peered in to his open up door. Yes, just about all their issues were all encased upward. When he or she strolled in to their family room transporting another container, I required it from him or her and placed this next to the others.<br><br>After talking for a little bit, he or she explained which his daughter as well as husband prolonged an invitation to live together upward north; and the man had been wanting to end up being around his grandchildren. I truly wanted him good luck and requested him or her in the event that he or she required assist with other things.<br><br>Then something miraculous occurred.<br><br>The man explained that everything was done except for something. He had to remain for 2 more times because the people he was having to pay to drain his heating system oil tank were too hectic! Immediately I volunteered to do it for free!<br><br>He had been overjoyed.<br><br>I had been surprised.<br><br>He was totally unaware of my personal eager need for heating system essential oil and had been merely pleased to end up being departing earlier.<br><br>Can you believe this?<br><br>One moment I'm sensation i'm sorry personally because I thought we would freeze; and today my neighbors had been giving me a complete tank associated with heating system oil - sufficient in order to last for a minimum of 3 pay day intervals!<br><br>- Universal Laws for action -<br><br>The Loa: Like leads to appeal to like effects. Being positive draws in more positive things into your life; whilst negative thoughts attracts more unfavorable things.<br><br>The Law associated with Cause and Effect: Sowing and enjoying, juice, or “what circles appears,Inch and so on. You literally get back what you hand out. It is true which no bad deed goes unpunished. If you live through the blade, a person pass away by the blade.<br><br>The Law associated with Cause and Effect will go hand in hand with the Law of Attraction.
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ongoing series of articles about adore, love, Asian/Western relationships, romantic relationship analysis, and much more.)<br><br>“How Dare Your woman! Out of Frustration I Learned How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember Who You Are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Heal Your Broken Heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Learn the Illusive Secret associated with Joy."<br><br>“Simple (as well as Priceless) Life Training from the Most Important Prosperity Coach during my Life - My personal Father"<br><br>And much more!<br><br>(By Carl “J.C." Pantejo and published internet-wide, keyword: [title of article] or even “Carl Pantejo")
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Through Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo, Copyright laws May 2008<br><br>Author “My Buddy Yu - The actual Prosperity Coach,Inch Copyright laws August 07. Pantejo - B.D. Vurce Publishing.<br><br>*The subsequent story is actually integrated within “My Buddy Yu - the Wealth Mentor: Book II," Pantejo -- B.N. Vurce Publishing. Release Date: 2008.<br><br>“[Life] Amazing! Is it not?..."<br><br>- Volunteering for added Pay -<br><br>I was always pretty “open-minded" regarding additional pay. What the actual Heck, I got'ta work anyhow, right? Why not get a little extra, for just a small additional misery.<br><br>One period We volunteered with regard to Fresh Pay which involved me doing a cold-weather mission “while wearing the primary body's temperature information selection gadget."<br><br>The information was needed to engineer better anti-exposure gear with regard to missions where hypothermia would be a actual threat; also to style nutritionally sound, cold-weather MRE's (foods, ready to consume) personalized towards the dimension as well as exercise of each operator.<br><br>In actuality, the actual “...with the core body's temperature data collection device" was the official way of saying that I and my personal whole group used to do the work in an exceedingly chilly region Along with RECTAL THERMOMETERS FIRMLY LODGED Upward The BUTTS As well as ANCHORED THERE Through A blow up Light bulb After EACH PROBE!<br><br>Needless to say, it was an inconvenience to consider a get rid of - and rather painful if you didn't remember in order to deflate the light bulb!<br><br>Another time,
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once the military was creating new ejection seat coaches for his or her jet pilots, We offered with regard to ejection seat training responsibility. In the old times, the actual coaches used reside charges instead of pneumatically-driven propulsion and hydraulic breaks. I “shrunk" a centimeter or two (because of spinal disk compression), but later regained my personal complete, manly elevation of 5' 5" a couple of months later.<br><br>One more Extra-Pay Duty tale?<br><br>O.Nited kingdom.<br><br>A research had been ordered to measure the effects of full body armor (Kevlar) in case of crisis egress from a downed heli-copter. I obtained first dibs about this assignment simply because...well, due to the fact nobody else offered!<br><br>That should have already been an indication.<br><br>Anyway, I buckled in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Water Survival Training course) heli-copter emergency multi-egress/crash simulator.<br><br>The simulator resembles a huge oil drum. The within “cabin" is about the size the cabin of the troop transport helo. It is actually suspended above a small, training container (pool) by heavy, metal wires. When the operator/engineer is actually motivated, he produces tension around the helping cables and also the gadget slams in to the drinking water (as being a actual helo would during an emergency crash landing into the ocean). After that, because just about all top-heavy helis perform, the device starts to turn inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all of the correct egress procedures.<br><br>I continued to be buckled in to the seat.
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By|Through} Carl “J.D." Pantejo, Copyright laws August 07.<br><br>(*Below is definitely an clip through “My Buddy Yu -- The Prosperity Coach,Inch Copyright laws August 07. Pantejo - B.N. Vurce Posting.)<br><br>One time, after i was a child around Twenty three years old, I bought a little, beginner house within Marietta, Florida. It was about 25-30 moments from the Navy Foundation where I had been assigned. The house was small and old. It was warmed by heating system oil from a gas tank situated behind
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Depending how far in the universe and how many were affected by your thoughts or even actions, the actual accrued come back in the world may be the size a small wave; or even the size of a great surfing wave; or the size of an enormous tsunami!<br><br>- Heating system Oil as well as Universal Laws and regulations -<br><br>Now, I realize why the above “heating oil" event unfolded the way it do.<br><br>In the beginning, the actual negativity and self-pity I stored focusing on really attracted a lot of exact same (Loa).
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when the army had been creating new ejection chair coaches for his or her jet aircraft pilots, I offered for ejection chair training responsibility. In the old days, the trainers used live costs rather than pneumatic space as well as gas breaks. I “shrunk" the centimeter or two (because of spinal disk data compresion), however later obtained my full, macho elevation associated with 5' 5" a few months later.<br><br>One more Extra-Pay Duty story?<br><br>O.Nited kingdom.<br><br>A study was ordered to appraise the results of full body armor (Kevlar) in the event of emergency egress from the downed helicopter. I got very first dibs about this assignment because...well, mainly because no one else offered!<br><br>That should have already been an indication.<br><br>Anyway, I buckled in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Water Survival Training Program) heli-copter emergency multi-egress/crash simulator.<br><br>The simulation looks like a huge oil drum. The inside “cabin" is about the size of the cabin of the troop transportation helo. It is suspended above a little, training container (swimming pool) through heavy, steel cables. When the actual operator/engineer is motivated, he releases tension around the helping cables and the device jams into the drinking water (as being a real helo might throughout an crisis crash getting into the sea). Then, because all top-heavy helicopters do, the device starts to change inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all the appropriate egress methods.<br><br>I remained buckled in to the seat.
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The man's solitary scenario reminded me how lucky I was to have my spouse. I had been instantly full of an excellent feeling of gratitude for the love and friendship associated with my wife. Although i was going through a few rough occasions, we usually seemed to remember what we should really designed to one another.<br><br>Now this appeared as if this lonesome, old man was moving?<br><br>I hoped everything would be alright for him. I didn't see a “for Sale" sign in their lawn, so I strolled across the street and peered in to his open up front door. Indeed, all his issues counseled me boxed up. When he or she strolled into his family room carrying another container, I took it through him as well as positioned it near the other people.<br><br>After talking for any bit, he told me which his daughter as well as husband prolonged an invitation to live with them up north; and the man had been wanting to end up being round his grandchildren. I truly wished him or her best of luck and asked him if he needed assist with anything else.<br><br>Then something remarkable occurred.<br><br>The guy explained which everything ended aside from something. He had to stay for two much more times because the people he or she had been paying to drain his heating essential oil container had been as well hectic! Immediately I offered to do it for free!<br><br>He was overjoyed.<br><br>I had been surprised.<br><br>He had been completely unaware of my eager need for heating system essential oil and had been merely happy to be leaving previously.<br><br>Can you believe it?<br><br>One moment I am sensation i'm sorry personally simply because I figured we would deep freeze; and today my neighbor was providing us a complete tank of heating essential oil -- sufficient in order to last for a minimum of three payday intervals!<br><br>- Common Laws and regulations in Action -<br><br>The Law of Attraction: Like causes attract such as effects. Being good draws in more positive things into your life; whilst negativity draws in more unfavorable issues.<br><br>The Law of Expected outcomes: Sowing as well as enjoying, karma, or “what circles appears,Inch and so on. You literally return that which you hand out. It is true which no bad action will go unpunished. If you live through the sword, you die by the sword.<br><br>The Legislation associated with Cause and Effect will go hand in hand with the Law of Attraction.
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Depending on how much in the universe and how numerous had been affected by your ideas or measures, the accumulated return in the world may be the size a little influx; or even the size of a great surfing influx; or the size of a massive tsunami!<br><br>- Heating Essential oil and Common Laws and regulations -<br><br>Now, I realize why the above “heating oil" occasion unfolded the actual way it did.<br><br>In the start, the actual negative thoughts as well as self-pity We kept focusing on really attracted a lot of exact same (Law of Attraction).
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Help you mentally step out of the hazardous/time-sensitive situation to facilitate quick - often life-saving -- decisions objectively (being an observer, not really a person).<br><br>3.Relax you (even cause you to laugh) as you marvel in the absurdity of life!<br><br>Again, I said, “Imagine That."<br><br>Above my personal head, instead of a incredible complete, spherical canopy, I saw exactly what resembled an enormous, used condom! Either the line-over or interferance electricity had been stopping atmosphere through blowing up my personal chute.<br><br>I had been rotaing extremely.<br><br>All my tries to fill the main chute demonstrated not successful. I distribute the main shoulder risers - absolutely nothing. I do the pull-up and rose up on one riser and let go - wishing that the taking, spring motion associated with my personal body weight might let a few atmosphere go into the canopy. No pleasure. I looked for the usual 4-line release program (a means associated with controlling/steering a parachute through delivering four outlines powering the actual canopy), however appreciated
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in this Intrepid Trip known as Life,<br><br>Carl “J.C." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Responsibility Motivation Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, hashish, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles by the writer:<br><br>“Imagine Which...(1) -- The actual Asian Angel associated with Whim as well as Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Notions associated with Existence, another Path, content articles (1) -- (7)." (It is really an continuing series of articles that target self-improvement, achievement, and happiness).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' series, articles (1) - (23)." (This is another
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I was covered around the upside down deck of the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine Which." Kevlar drifts!<br><br>The physique armour was so confident that I was caught, upside down around the outdoor patio of the 9D5. A whole lot worse, the rest of the equipment I had upon had been getting snagged on my way through my personal egress route. Freight barbs, helo frame, and seats proved to be just one more thing to disentangle personally from before I could depart the simulation.<br><br>I'm unsure how long I'd been holding my personal breath. Activity as well as psychological state may severely cut your breath keeping time.<br><br>Outside the actual trainer, the safety diver, a buddy associated with my own, motioned the actual “need assistance" signal.<br><br>I smiled as well as waived him or her away.<br><br>Finally, We said “f*ck this," grabbed my personal HEEDs (heli-copter crisis egress gadget -- a little SCUBA container how big a large café-latte at Local cafe), purged the actual mini-regulator of water, as well as required a inhale associated with compressed atmosphere.<br><br>This was always a final vacation resort simply because ascent to the surface as well as breathing needed to be managed later on. On the inhale hold, one could rule out the dangers of DCS (decompression illness) as well as AGE (arterial gas embolism -- the greater serious condition when a bubble travels through the arteries as well as accommodations in some rather bothersome locations; specifically one's heart or brain).<br><br>Oh well, it had been going to be a longer day time compared to
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These advances had been ridiculously costly - occasionally 20-30% interest, not including the actual up-front processing charges!<br><br>Of course, that just left me personally beginning the following 30 days with a smaller paycheck.<br><br>- Diversion or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I was sensation i'm sorry for myself. How do I get by doing this? I usually labored very difficult. I never was extravagant in almost any section of the monetary matters. How? Why? It simply didn't make sense at that time.<br><br>Then, some exercise in the house across the street sidetracked me; momentarily liberating me personally from the present “woe-is-me syndrome."<br><br>It appeared as if my neighbor had been shifting.<br><br>I had known that old man for about eight several weeks (the entire period I was in your own home from military operations within the last year and a half). Because he or she appeared therefore lonesome, I usually made it a point to express hello. I helped him or her with his yard when I might, and let him let me know about his existence.
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Help you mentally leave a hazardous/time-sensitive situation in order to facilitate quick -- often life-saving - decisions fairly (being an onlooker, not really a person).<br><br>3.Unwind you (even cause you to laugh) while you marvel in the absurdity associated with existence!<br><br>Again, I stated, “Imagine Which."<br><br>Above my personal mind, rather than a heavenly full, spherical cover, I saw exactly what was similar to an enormous, used condom! Either the line-over or static electrical power was stopping air through blowing up my personal chute.<br><br>I was oscillating extremely.<br><br>All my tries to fill the main chute proved unsuccessful. I distribute the primary make risers -- absolutely nothing. I do the pull-up and rose on 1 riser and let go -- wishing that the popping, spring action of my bodyweight would allow a few atmosphere go into the cover. Absolutely no pleasure. I sought out the usual 4-line launch program (a way associated with controlling/steering a parachute through delivering 4 outlines at the rear of the actual cover), but then appreciated
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I was expecting.<br><br>Without the instant requirement for atmosphere, We methodically doffed the Kevlar jacket, as well as hooked it about my personal arm. I looked at my cousin as well as waived my middle finger in the Kevlar vest.<br><br>My pal got their regulator, smiled, as well as stuck his thumb in the mouth. Then he simulated putting himself within the ass with it. The which means had been obvious: F*ck me! I'm by no means wearing Kevlar inside a heli-copter flying within the water!<br><br>And neither am i going to.<br><br>- A Bad Day at work -<br><br>Back towards the situation at hand: “Big Military Parachute, Not-So-Big Guy."<br><br>I knew it had been likely to be a poor day once the archaic physique funnel of the big parachute and starting shock made me seem like I was becoming divided in half - from the crotch up!<br><br>After beating on my small numbed legs, We immediately examined my personal canopy as well as saw the next hint of my personal bad day.<br><br>Reflexively, I said aloud, “Imagine That" (my personal “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For people who weren't indoctrinated into the wonderful realm of dangerous duty, let me cue a person in. Almost just about all operators have a “bleeding lower or releasing stress," personal catch-phrase they are saying to themselves to instantly calm down.<br><br>These catch-phrases function a vital objective. They put you into a mindset that is favorable in order to success, particularly when you are “having a bad day at work."<br><br>Catch-phrases may:<br><br>1.Remove damaging/time-consuming emotions out of your present situation.<br><br>2.
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These laws and regulations control all of our lives (and the remaining Universe). They operate perfectly and without bias - constantly.<br><br>- Accrued Results -<br><br>Good deeds usually lead to some form of goodness coming back to you. In fact, regardless of whether negative or positive, the result which “rebounds" back again from the universe will often be often bigger than what was initially “thrown" available.<br><br>Here's a simple explanation for this particular “multiplied rebound" phenomena:<br><br>When a person act or even think, the results of your measures as well as thoughts disseminate with the world such as the ripples made when a pebble is tossed in to relaxed water. As your own results journey outward into the universe, they contact everything in its route. Consequently, individuals impacted - in the furthest to the nearest -- react with their personal “ripples" back again towards you.<br><br>Each fact is put into the audience associated with “returning ripples;" ultimately developing right into a “returning influx.
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By Carl “J.C." Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author “My Buddy Yu -- The actual Prosperity Mentor,Inch Copyright laws August 07. Pantejo -- B.N. Vurce Posting.<br><br>*The subsequent tale is actually integrated in “My Friend Yu -- the actual Wealth Coach: Book II," Pantejo -- Y.D. Vurce Publishing. Release Date: 2008.<br><br>“[Life] Incredible! Is it not?..."<br><br>- Volunteering for added Pay -<br><br>I had been usually pretty “open-minded" regarding extra spend. What the actual Hell, We got'ta work anyway, correct? Why not really obtain a small additional, for just a little extra misery.<br><br>One time I volunteered for Fresh Spend that included me doing a cold-weather objective “while putting on a core body's temperature information selection gadget."<br><br>The information was required to professional much better anti-exposure equipment for missions exactly where hypothermia was a real danger; and also to design nutritionally sound, cold-weather MRE's (foods, ready to eat) personalized to the dimension and exercise of every owner.<br><br>In actuality, the “...while wearing the core body's temperature information selection device" had been the state method of saying that I as well as my whole group were doing the work in a very chilly region Along with Anal THERMOMETERS FIRMLY LODGED UP OUR BUTTS AND ANCHORED Presently there BY A blow up Light bulb AT THE END OF Every PROBE!<br><br>Needless to say, it was a hassle to consider a dump -- as well as instead painful should you forgot to flatten the light bulb!<br><br>Another period,
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I had been covered on the inverted deck from the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine That." Kevlar drifts!<br><br>The physique armor was so confident that I was stuck, upside down on the outdoor patio from the 9D5. A whole lot worse, the rest of the gear I had on was obtaining snagged on my way through my personal egress route. Freight barbs, helo body, and seats proved to be just one much more thing in order to disentangle myself from before I could depart the simulator.<br><br>I'm not sure just how long I'd been keeping my inhale. Activity and emotional state can severely cut your inhale keeping time.<br><br>Outside the actual trainer, the security scuba diver, a buddy of mine, motioned the “need assistance" transmission.<br><br>I smiled and waived him away.<br><br>Finally, I said “f*ck this,Inch grabbed my personal HEEDs (heli-copter emergency egress device -- a little SCUBA container how big a large café-latte at Starbucks), purged the actual mini-regulator water, and required a inhale of compacted atmosphere.<br><br>This was always a last resort because incline towards the surface and inhaling and exhaling had to be managed later on. On the breath maintain, you could eliminate the risks of DCS (decompression illness) and AGE (arterial gas embolism -- the greater serious situation whenever a bubble travels through the blood vessels and lodges in certain instead bothersome locations; specifically one's heart or brain).<br><br>Oh well, it was going to be an extended day time than
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These improvements were absurdly expensive - occasionally 20-30% curiosity, not including the actual up-front digesting fees!<br><br>Of program, that simply remaining me beginning the following 30 days having a smaller sized paycheck.<br><br>- Diversion or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been feeling sorry personally. How do I get this way? I always labored very difficult. I was never luxurious in any area of our monetary matters. How? Why? It simply did not seem sensible at the time.<br><br>Then, a few activity in the home across the street sidetracked me personally; momentarily freeing me personally from the present “woe-is-me syndrome."<br><br>It looked like my personal neighbor was shifting.<br><br>I experienced recognized that old man for around eight several weeks (the total period I had been in your own home through military procedures within the last year . 5). Because he or she appeared therefore lonesome, I always made it a place to say hello. I helped him or her with his yard when I could, as well as let him let me know about his life.
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within this Intrepid Trip known as Life,<br><br>Carl “J.C." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Responsibility Incentive Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles by the writer:<br><br>“Imagine Which...(One) -- The Hard anodized cookware Angel associated with Mercy and Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Notions associated with Life, a Different Path, content articles (1) -- (7)." (It is really an ongoing number of content articles that focus on self-improvement, achievement, and happiness).<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' sequence, articles (1) -- (Twenty three)." (This really is an additional
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once the army had been creating new ejection seat coaches for their aircraft pilots, We offered with regard to ejection seat training responsibility. In the old times, the actual trainers used reside costs instead of pneumatically-driven space and hydraulic breaks or cracks. I “shrunk" the centimeter or even two (due to spine disk data compresion), but later on regained my complete, manly height associated with 5' 5" a few months later on.<br><br>One more Extra-Pay Duty tale?<br><br>O.K.<br><br>A research was purchased to measure the effects of full body armour (Kevlar) in case of crisis egress from a downed helicopter. I got very first dibs about this assignment because...well, mainly because no one else volunteered!<br><br>That should have been a sign.<br><br>Anyway, I buckled in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Drinking water Survival Training Program) helicopter crisis multi-egress/crash simulation.<br><br>The simulation resembles a huge oil drum. The within “cabin" is about the size the actual log cabin of the troop transport helo. It is suspended over a little, instruction container (pool) through heavy, metal cables. When the operator/engineer is motivated, he or she produces tension around the helping cables and the gadget slams in to the water (as being a actual helo would during an emergency accident landing in to the ocean). After that, because just about all top-heavy helicopters do, the unit starts to change inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all of the correct egress methods.<br><br>I remained buckled in to the seat.
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in this Smart Journey known as Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Responsibility Motivation Pay, Kevlar, hypothermia, experimental, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other articles by the writer:<br><br>“Imagine That...(One) -- The Hard anodized cookware Angel associated with Mercy as well as Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Notions of Existence, another Path, articles (One) -- (Seven).Inch (This is an continuing number of content articles that target self-improvement, achievement, and joy).<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' series, content articles (1) - (Twenty three).Inch (This really is an additional
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Farangs as well as Finance: The Myth"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (8) Living Well? Farangs and Financial: The Reality, Ignorance, and difficult Scrapes."<br><br>“How Care Your woman! Out of Desperation We Learned How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need to Heal Your Damaged Heart? Continue reading. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Learn the Imaginary Key associated with Happiness."<br>“Simple (as well as Priceless) Existence Training From the Most Important Prosperity Mentor in My Life -- My personal Father"<br>And much more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo as well as published internet-wide, key phrase: [title of
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When I changed the actual negative thoughts along with gratitude (the actual love of my wife), things instantly transformed for the better.<br><br>When We remained good and offered to assist the old guy, the universe responded in type; giving us a enormously positive thing in return (the heating system essential oil)!<br><br>And We re-examine my additional “guardian angel," wonder encounters, everything truly makes sense right now. Whenever We followed the actual Common Laws and regulations setup through the Unique Material (Lord), something or someone always made an appearance out of nowhere to help me in my hour of need.<br><br>“Until the next time, be brave sufficient to consider a Different Route."<br><br>Your Friend in this Smart Journey called Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br><br>Law associated with Appeal, Legislation associated with Expected outcomes, Common Laws, protector angel, love, positive, negative.<br><br>Note: If you need to find out more about Common Laws and regulations, unconditional adore, exorcising past individual devils, and the Illusive Secret associated with Happiness, please browse the subsequent content articles:<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow': From Heartbreak in order to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (2): Coincidence or even Synchronicity: FROM RELAPSE TO Wonders..."<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Three): LOST And located - Kindred Spirits as well as Mistakes made in Haste."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Four): LOST AND FOUND -- Intended to be?"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Five): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (6): “New Beginnings, Aged Endings"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (7) - Residing Nicely?
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By Carl “J.C." Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author “My Friend Yu - The actual Wealth Coach," Copyright July 2007. Pantejo - Y.N. Vurce Publishing.<br><br>*The subsequent story is integrated within “My Buddy Yu - the actual Prosperity Coach: Book 2," Pantejo -- Y.D. Vurce Publishing. Launch Date: 08.<br><br>“[Life] Incredible! Is it not?..."<br><br>- Helping out for Extra Pay -<br><br>I had been always pretty “open-minded" regarding additional spend. What the Heck, We got'ta work anyway, right? Why not get a small extra, just for a small additional agony.<br><br>One period I offered with regard to Experimental Pay which involved me carrying out a cold-weather objective “while wearing the core body's temperature data selection device."<br><br>The information had been needed to professional better anti-exposure equipment for tasks where hypothermia was a actual danger; and also to design nutritionally seem, cold-weather MRE's (foods, prepared to consume) personalized to the size and exercise of every operator.<br><br>In actuality, the “...while wearing the core body temperature information collection device" had been the official way of stating that We and my entire group were doing the work in an exceedingly cold region WITH Anal THERMOMETERS Securely Stuck UP The BUTTS AND Moored THERE BY AN INFLATABLE BULB After Every PROBE!<br><br>Needless to say, it was a hassle to consider a dump - as well as rather painful should you didn't remember in order to flatten the actual bulb!<br><br>Another period,
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By|Through} Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo, Copyright July 2007.<br><br>(*Below is an clip through “My Buddy Yu -- The actual Prosperity Coach,Inch Copyright July 2007. Pantejo - B.D. Vurce Publishing.)<br><br>One period, after i was a young man around Twenty three years of age, I purchased a little, beginner house in Marietta, Florida. It was about 25-30 moments away from the Navy Foundation exactly where I was assigned. The home had been tiny as well as aged. It had been warmed up by heating system essential oil from a fuel tank located at the rear of
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These advances were absurdly costly - occasionally 20-30% interest, not including the actual up-front processing charges!<br><br>Of course, that just left me starting the following month having a smaller salary.<br><br>- Diversion or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been feeling i'm sorry for myself. How do I recieve by doing this? I usually labored very difficult. I was never luxurious in any section of our financial issues. Exactly how? The reason why? It just didn't make sense at the time.<br><br>Then, a few exercise in the home across the street sidetracked me; momentarily freeing me in the present “woe-is-me syndrome."<br><br>It appeared as if my personal neighbor had been shifting.<br><br>I experienced recognized the old guy for around 8 several weeks (the entire period I had been at home from military operations in the last year and a half). Because he or she appeared therefore lonesome, I always made it a place to say hi. I assisted him or her with his yard when I might, and let him let me know regarding his existence.
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within this Smart Trip known as Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Duty Motivation Pay, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles by the writer:<br><br>“Imagine That...(1) - The Hard anodized cookware Angel associated with Mercy as well as Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Thoughts associated with Existence, a Different Path, content articles (One) -- (Seven).Inch (It is really an continuing series of articles that target self-improvement, achievement, as well as joy).<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' sequence, content articles (1) - (23)." (This really is another
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By Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author “My Buddy Yu - The Wealth Coach,Inch Copyright laws July 2007. Pantejo - Y.N. Vurce Posting.<br><br>*The following tale is actually integrated within “My Friend Yu - the actual Prosperity Mentor: Guide II,Inch Pantejo -- Y.N. Vurce Publishing. Release Date: 08.<br><br>“[Life] Amazing! Is it not?..."<br><br>- Helping out for Extra Spend -<br><br>I was usually fairly “open-minded" about extra pay. What the actual Heck, I got'ta work anyway, right? Why not really obtain a little additional, for just a little additional agony.<br><br>One time I offered for Experimental Spend which included me carrying out a cold-weather objective “while putting on a primary body's temperature data collection device."<br><br>The information had been needed to engineer better anti-exposure equipment for tasks where hypothermia would be a actual threat; and also to style nutritionally seem, cold-weather MRE's (foods, prepared to consume) individualized to the dimension as well as exercise of every operator.<br><br>In reality, the “...with a primary body temperature data selection device" was the state way of stating that I and my whole team were doing our jobs in a very chilly region Along with Anal THERMOMETERS Securely LODGED Upward The Grows As well as Moored Presently there Through AN INFLATABLE BULB AT THE END OF Every PROBE!<br><br>Needless to express, it had been a hassle to consider a get rid of -- and rather unpleasant should you forgot in order to flatten the bulb!<br><br>Another period,
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I expected.<br><br>Without the immediate need for atmosphere, We systematically doffed the Kevlar vest, and connected it around my personal arm. I checked out my buddy as well as waived my personal middle hand at the Kevlar jacket.<br><br>My buddy got their regulator, smiled, as well as stuck his thumb in the mouth. Then he simulated putting himself in the butt with it. The meaning was obvious: F*ck me personally! I'm never putting on Kevlar in a helicopter soaring over the water!<br><br>And neither will I.<br><br>- A poor Work day -<br><br>Back towards the situation at hand: “Big Army Parachute, Not-So-Big Guy."<br><br>I knew it was likely to be a poor day time when the archaic physique harness of the big parachute as well as opening surprise helped me feel like I was being split in half -- from the genitals up!<br><br>After defeating on my numbed legs, We instantly examined my personal cover and saw the following touch associated with my personal bad day.<br><br>Reflexively, We stated aloud, “Imagine That" (my own “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For those of you who weren't indoctrinated in to the wonderful world of hazardous duty, let me signal a person in. Almost just about all operators have a “bleeding down or delivering stress,Inch individual catch-phrase they are saying privately to right away relax.<br><br>These catch-phrases function a vital purpose. They put you right into a mindset that is conducive to success, particularly when you're “having a poor day at work."<br><br>Catch-phrases will:<br><br>1.Delete damaging/time-consuming emotions out of your present situation.<br><br>2.
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By|Through} Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo, Copyright laws July 07.<br><br>(*Below is an clip through “My Buddy Yu - The Prosperity Coach," Copyright August 2007. Pantejo -- Y.D. Vurce Publishing.)<br><br>One period, when I was a child around Twenty three years old, I bought a small, starter house within Marietta, Sarasota. It was about 25-30 minutes away from the Navy blue Foundation where I had been designated. The house was small and old. It had been warmed up by heating system oil from a fuel tank located behind
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I was expecting.<br><br>Without the instant requirement for air, I systematically doffed the Kevlar vest, and connected this about my equip. I checked out my cousin and waived my center hand at the Kevlar jacket.<br><br>My pal took out his regulator, smiled, as well as caught his thumb in his mouth. Then he simulated putting themself in the butt by using it. The meaning was obvious: F*ck me personally! I'm by no means putting on Kevlar inside a helicopter soaring over the drinking water!<br><br>And nor will I.<br><br>- A poor Day at work -<br><br>Back to the situation available: “Big Army Parachute, Not-So-Big Guy."<br><br>I understood it was likely to be a poor day once the archaic physique funnel of the big parachute and opening shock made me seem like I was being split in half - from the crotch up!<br><br>After beating on my small numbed thighs, We instantly examined my personal canopy as well as noticed the next hint of my poor day.<br><br>Reflexively, I said aloud, “Imagine That" (my own “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For people who haven't been indoctrinated into the wonderful realm of hazardous duty, allow me to signal you in. Almost just about all operators have a “bleeding down or releasing stress," personal catch-phrase they say privately to instantly relax.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve an important objective. They place you into a way of thinking that is conducive to survival, particularly when you are “having a poor day at work."<br><br>Catch-phrases will:<br><br>1.Remove damaging/time-consuming feelings out of your present scenario.<br><br>2.
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I was covered on the upside down deck from the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine That.Inch Kevlar drifts!<br><br>The physique armor was so buoyant that I was caught, upside down around the deck of the 9D5. Even worse, the rest of the gear I'd on had been getting snagged upon everything in my personal egress route. Freight hooks, helo body, as well as seats proved to be only one more factor to disentangle personally through prior to I could depart the actual simulation.<br><br>I'm unsure just how long I would been holding my personal inhale. Activity and psychological state may severely cut your inhale keeping time.<br><br>Outside the actual trainer, the security diver, a buddy of mine, motioned the actual “need assistance" transmission.<br><br>I smiled and waived him away.<br><br>Finally, I said “f*ck it,Inch grabbed my personal HEEDs (heli-copter emergency egress gadget - a small Scuba diving bottle the size of a large café-latte from Starbucks), purged the mini-regulator of water, and took a breath of compressed atmosphere.<br><br>This was always a final resort simply because ascent towards the surface as well as breathing needed to be managed afterwards. On a inhale hold, you could eliminate the dangers associated with DCS (decompression sickness) and AGE (arterial gas embolism -- the more serious condition when a percolate travels with the blood vessels and accommodations in certain rather bothersome locations; specifically one's heart or mind).<br><br>Oh nicely, it had been going to be a longer day time compared to
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These advances were absurdly costly -- occasionally 20-30% curiosity, not including the up-front digesting fees!<br><br>Of course, that simply remaining me starting the next month having a smaller paycheck.<br><br>- Distraction or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been sensation i'm sorry personally. How did I get this way? I usually worked very difficult. I never was extravagant in almost any section of the financial matters. How? The reason why? It simply didn't seem sensible at the time.<br><br>Then, some activity in the house next door distracted me personally; momentarily freeing me from the present “woe-is-me affliction."<br><br>It appeared as if my neighbors had been shifting.<br><br>I had known that old man for about eight several weeks (the entire time I was at home from military operations within the last 12 months . 5). Because he or she seemed so lonely, I always managed to get a point to express hi. I helped him with his yard after i might, as well as allow him to let me know regarding his life.
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Farangs and Finance: The Myth"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (8) Living Nicely? Farangs as well as Finance: The Reality, Stupidity, and difficult Knocks."<br><br>“How Dare She! Out of Desperation I Learned How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Heal Your Broken Heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak and Discover the Illusive Secret of Happiness."<br>“Simple (and Invaluable) Existence Lessons In the The majority of Influential Prosperity Mentor in My Life - My Father"<br>And much more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.C." Pantejo as well as published internet-wide, key phrase: [title associated with
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The man's solitary situation reminded me personally how lucky I had been to have my wife. I was instantly full of an excellent sense of gratitude for the love and friendship of my spouse. Although we were going through a few rough times, we usually appeared to remember what we should truly meant to each other.<br><br>Now this appeared as if this particular lonesome, old guy had been shifting?<br><br>I wished everything was going to be alright with regard to him or her. I did not visit a “for Sale" register his yard, and so i strolled next door and peered into their open up front door. Yes, just about all their things were all encased up. When he walked in to their family room carrying an additional container, We took this through him and placed it near the others.<br><br>After talking for a bit, he or she explained that their daughter and spouse extended an invite to reside together up north; and the man had been eager to be round his grandkids. I sincerely wished him best of luck and requested him or her if he needed help with anything else.<br><br>Then some thing remarkable happened.<br><br>The guy explained which everything ended aside from one thing. He needed to remain for two much more times since the individuals he or she had been having to pay to empty his heating oil tank had been as well busy! Immediately I volunteered to do it free of charge!<br><br>He had been thrilled.<br><br>I had been surprised.<br><br>He had been completely unaware of my personal desperate need for heating system oil as well as had been merely happy to end up being departing previously.<br><br>Can you believe this?<br><br>One moment I'm sensation i'm sorry personally because I thought we would deep freeze; and now my personal neighbors had been giving me a complete container of heating essential oil -- sufficient in order to continue for a minimum of 3 payday intervals!<br><br>- Common Laws and regulations for action -<br><br>The Loa: Like causes attract like results. Being positive attracts more positive issues into your life; whilst negative thoughts attracts much more negative issues.<br><br>The Legislation associated with Cause and Effect: Sowing as well as enjoying, juice, or “what circles appears,Inch etc. You actually return what you dish out. It is true that no damaging action goes unpunished. If you live through the sword, you pass away by the blade.<br><br>The Law of Expected outcomes will go together with the Law of Attraction.
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ongoing series of content articles about adore, love, Asian/Western associations, relationship analysis, and more.)<br><br>“How Dare She! Out associated with Desperation I Discovered How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Heal Your own Damaged Coronary heart? Continue reading. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Learn the Illusive Secret associated with Happiness."<br><br>“Simple (and Priceless) Existence Training in the The majority of Important Wealth Coach in My Life -- My Father"<br><br>And a lot more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.C." Pantejo and published internet-wide, keyword: [title associated with article] or “Carl Pantejo")
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continuing series of content articles regarding love, love, Asian/Western relationships, relationship evaluation, and more.)<br><br>“How Dare She! Out associated with Frustration We Discovered How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember Who You Are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Recover Your Broken Coronary heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Discover the Illusive Key associated with Joy."<br><br>“Simple (and Priceless) Life Lessons in the Most Influential Prosperity Mentor in My Existence - My personal Father"<br><br>And a lot more!<br><br>(By Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo and published internet-wide, key phrase: [title associated with article] or even “Carl Pantejo")
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These improvements had been ridiculously expensive -- occasionally 20-30% interest, not including the up-front processing charges!<br><br>Of course, that simply remaining me personally beginning the following 30 days having a smaller sized salary.<br><br>- Diversion or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been sensation sorry personally. How do I recieve this way? I usually worked very difficult. I never was luxurious in any area of the monetary matters. How? Why? It just did not make sense at the time.<br><br>Then, some activity in the home across the street distracted me personally; briefly liberating me personally from the present “woe-is-me affliction."<br><br>It appeared as if my personal neighbor was shifting.<br><br>I had known the old guy for around 8 several weeks (the total period I had been at home through army operations in the last 12 months and a half). Because he seemed therefore lonesome, I usually managed to get a place to express hi. I helped him with his yard when I could, as well as allow him to let me know about his life.
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when the military was creating new ejection seat coaches for his or her jet aircraft pilots, We offered for ejection seat instruction responsibility. In the old days, the trainers utilized live charges rather than pneumatic propulsion and gas breaks or cracks. I “shrunk" the centimeter or 2 (because of spine disk data compresion), however later regained my complete, manly height associated with 5' 5" a couple of months later on.<br><br>One more Extra-Pay Responsibility story?<br><br>O.K.<br><br>A study had been ordered in order to appraise the effects of full armour (Kevlar) in the event of crisis egress from the downed helicopter. I obtained very first dibs on this assignment because...well, due to the fact nobody else volunteered!<br><br>That should've already been an indication.<br><br>Anyway, I strapped in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Drinking water Success Training Program) heli-copter emergency multi-egress/crash simulation.<br><br>The simulator resembles a huge oil drum. The within “cabin" is about the size the cabin of a troop transportation helo. It is actually hanging over a small, training container (pool) through thick, metal cables. When the operator/engineer is actually prompted, he releases tension on the supporting cables and also the gadget slams in to the water (as being a real helo would during an crisis crash getting into the ocean). After that, as all top-heavy helicopters do, the unit starts to change inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all the correct egress methods.<br><br>I continued to be strapped in to the seat.
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this had been a classic army chute without any this kind of capabilities.<br><br>I considered regardless of whether I ought to try and discover the feasible line-over and begin cutting lines (one by one) along with my personal connected shroud collection cutter.<br><br>By encounter, I could “feel" which i hadn't obtained fatal speed (about 147 mph)...however. It was probably due to the minor friction caused by the “Used Rubber" flailing over me personally. Physicists will tell you that one square lawn may decrease your free-fall impetus through up to 20 percent.<br><br>But a quick look at the on-rushing floor (perception of ground colour begins around the 10,Thousand to 12,000 foot ceiling) as well as confirmation along with my wrist altimeter told me that I truly did not have much time for playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Doctor with any offending shroud lines.<br><br>Damn, I hate this when this happens...<br><br>[Continued within “Imagine That...(3) - Healthcare Turf Wars and Angels of Whim Revisited."]<br><br>Your buddy
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in this Intrepid Journey called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Responsibility Motivation Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other articles by the writer:<br><br>“Imagine That...(1) - The actual Hard anodized cookware Angel of Whim and Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Thoughts associated with Existence, another Route, articles (1) - (7)." (This is an ongoing series of content articles that target self-improvement, achievement, and happiness).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' series, articles (1) -- (Twenty three)." (This is an additional
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Depending on how far in the world and how many had been affected by your thoughts or even measures, the accumulated come back in the world could be the size a small wave; or even the size of a great browsing wave; or even the size a massive tsunami!<br><br>- Heating Essential oil and Common Laws and regulations -<br><br>Now, I understand the reason why the above “heating oil" event unfolded the actual way it did.<br><br>In the start, the negative thoughts and self-pity We stored concentrating on actually attracted a lot of exact same (Law of Attraction).
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These laws and regulations control all of our lives (and also the remaining Universe). They run completely as well as with out prejudice - all the time.<br><br>- Accrued Results -<br><br>Good deeds always result in some form of amazing benefits returning to you. Actually, regardless of whether negative or positive, the result that “rebounds" back in the universe are frequently often bigger than that which was initially “thrown" out there.<br><br>Here's the simplified reason behind this “multiplied rebound" phenomena:<br><br>When you behave or even think, the effects of your actions and ideas spread out through the universe such as the ripples created when a stone is tossed into relaxed drinking water. As your effects travel outward into the universe, these people contact everything in it's route. Consequently, individuals affected -- from the farthest towards the nearest - respond using their own “ripples" back in your direction.<br><br>Each response is put into the group associated with “returning ripples;" ultimately growing right into a “returning influx.
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ongoing series of content articles regarding adore, romance, Asian/Western relationships, relationship evaluation, and much more.)<br><br>“How Care Your woman! Out of Frustration I Learned How you can Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Recover Your own Damaged Heart? Continue reading. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Discover the Imaginary Secret of Joy."<br><br>“Simple (as well as Priceless) Existence Lessons from the Most Influential Wealth Coach in My Existence -- My personal Father"<br><br>And much more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.D." Pantejo and published internet-wide, keyword: [title associated with article] or “Carl Pantejo")
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The male's one scenario advised me personally exactly how fortunate I was to possess my wife. I had been immediately full of a great feeling of appreciation for the love and friendship of my wife. Although we were going through a few rough times, all of us always seemed to remember what we should truly meant to each other.<br><br>Now this appeared as if this particular lonesome, aged man had been shifting?<br><br>I wished every thing was going to be alright for him. I didn't visit a “for Sale" sign in their yard, so I walked across the street and peered into their open door. Indeed, all their issues were all boxed up. When he walked in to their living room transporting another box, We required it from him and positioned it next to the other people.<br><br>After talking for a little bit, he or she explained that their child and husband extended an invite to live together up north; and the man was wanting to end up being around his grandkids. I truly wanted him good luck and requested him in the event that he needed help with anything else.<br><br>Then some thing miraculous happened.<br><br>The man told me that everything ended aside from one thing. He had to remain for two much more times because the individuals he or she was paying to drain their heating system oil tank had been as well hectic! Immediately I offered to get it done free of charge!<br><br>He had been overjoyed.<br><br>I was surprised.<br><br>He was completely unaware of my personal eager need for heating system oil and was simply happy to end up being leaving previously.<br><br>Can you believe it?<br><br>One moment I'm sensation sorry personally because I thought we might freeze; and now my personal neighbors had been giving us a complete tank associated with heating system oil - enough in order to continue for at least three pay day periods!<br><br>- Common Laws for action -<br><br>The Law of Attraction: Like leads to appeal to such as results. Being good attracts better things into your life; whilst negative thoughts attracts much more unfavorable issues.<br><br>The Law of Cause and Effect: Sowing and reaping, juice, or even “what goes around comes around," and so on. You actually get back what you dish out. It holds true which no bad deed goes unpunished. If you live by the blade, a person die through the blade.<br><br>The Law of Cause and Effect goes hand in hand using the Loa.
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I had been plastered on the inverted deck from the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine That." Kevlar floats!<br><br>The body armor am confident that I was caught, upside down on the deck of the 9D5. A whole lot worse, the rest of the equipment I'd on was obtaining snagged on my way through my personal egress path. Freight hooks, helo frame, as well as seats turned out to be only one more thing to disentangle myself from prior to I possibly could depart the actual simulator.<br><br>I'm unsure how long I'd been holding my breath. Activity and emotional state can seriously cut your inhale holding time.<br><br>Outside the trainer, the safety diver, a pal associated with mine, motioned the actual “need assistance" signal.<br><br>I smiled as well as waived him off.<br><br>Finally, We stated “f*ck this," grabbed my HEEDs (heli-copter emergency egress device - a little SCUBA bottle how big a large café-latte at Local cafe), purged the actual mini-regulator water, and took the breath of compressed air.<br><br>This had been always a last vacation resort because incline to the surface and inhaling and exhaling needed to be controlled later on. On a inhale hold, one could rule out the risks of DCS (decompression sickness) and Grow older (arterial gasoline embolism - the greater severe condition when a percolate travels through the blood vessels as well as accommodations in some instead bothersome places; namely the heart or even mind).<br><br>Oh well, it had been likely to be an extended day time than
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These laws govern all of our lives (and also the rest of the World). They operate perfectly as well as without prejudice - constantly.<br><br>- Accrued Results -<br><br>Good deeds always lead to some form of amazing benefits coming back to a person. In fact, regardless of whether negative or positive, the result which “rebounds" back from the universe are frequently many times bigger than that which was at first “thrown" out there.<br><br>Here's the simplified explanation for this particular “multiplied rebound" phenomena:<br><br>When you behave or believe, the effects of the measures as well as thoughts spread out with the universe like the ripples created when a pebble is actually thrown in to relaxed water. As your own results travel to the outside in to the universe, these people touch my way through its path. In turn, individuals affected -- from the furthest to the nearest -- react with their own “ripples" back again towards you.<br><br>Each response is added to the audience of “returning ripples;" ultimately developing right into a “returning influx.
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The male's solitary scenario advised me exactly how lucky I was to have my wife. I had been instantly filled with an excellent sense of appreciation for the adore and companionship associated with my wife. Although we were dealing with some rough occasions, we always appeared to remember what we really designed to one another.<br><br>Now this appeared as if this particular lonely, old man had been shifting?<br><br>I wished every thing was going to be okay for him or her. I didn't visit a “for Sale" sign in their lawn, and so i strolled next door and peered into their open up door. Indeed, all their things counseled me boxed up. When he or she walked in to their family room transporting another container, I took this through him or her and positioned this near the other people.<br><br>After chatting for a little bit, he or she explained which their daughter as well as husband prolonged an invitation to reside with them upward north; and the man was wanting to be round his grandkids. I sincerely wished him or her best of luck as well as asked him or her if he or she needed assist with anything else.<br><br>Then some thing remarkable occurred.<br><br>The man explained which everything was done except for one thing. He had to stay for 2 much more days because the individuals he or she was having to pay to empty his heating system oil tank were as well busy! Immediately We volunteered to do it for free!<br><br>He was overjoyed.<br><br>I was surprised.<br><br>He had been totally unacquainted with my personal eager need for heating system oil as well as was merely pleased to end up being leaving previously.<br><br>Can you think this?<br><br>One minute I'm feeling sorry for myself simply because I figured we would deep freeze; and today my neighbor was giving me a full container associated with heating system essential oil -- enough in order to last for at least three payday intervals!<br><br>- Common Laws in Action -<br><br>The Law of Attraction: Like causes attract like results. Being good draws in more positive issues into your life; while negative thoughts attracts more unfavorable issues.<br><br>The Legislation associated with Cause and Effect: Sowing as well as enjoying, karma, or even “what circles appears,Inch etc. You literally get back what you hand out. It holds true that no bad deed will go unpunished. If you live through the sword, a person pass away through the blade.<br><br>The Law associated with Expected outcomes goes hand in hand using the Loa.
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Depending on how far in the world and just how many were impacted by your ideas or actions, the actual accumulated come back from the universe may be the size of a small influx; or the size of a good surfing wave; or even the size of an enormous tsunami!<br><br>- Heating Oil and Common Laws -<br><br>Now, I realize the reason why the above “heating oil" occasion unfolded the way it do.<br><br>In the beginning, the negative thoughts as well as self-pity We stored focusing on actually attracted more of the same (Loa).
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in this Smart Journey called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Duty Motivation Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, experimental, hashish, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles by the writer:<br><br>“Imagine That...(One) -- The actual Asian Angel associated with Whim as well as Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Thoughts associated with Existence, another Path, articles (1) - (7)." (It is really an ongoing series of articles that focus on self-improvement, achievement, as well as happiness).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' sequence, articles (1) - (Twenty three)." (This really is an additional
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These advances had been absurdly expensive -- sometimes 20-30% interest, excluding the actual up-front digesting fees!<br><br>Of course, that simply remaining me personally starting the following month with a smaller salary.<br><br>- Distraction or Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been sensation sorry personally. How did I get this way? I usually labored very hard. I never was extravagant in any section of the financial issues. Exactly how? The reason why? It simply did not seem sensible at the time.<br><br>Then, some exercise in the house across the street sidetracked me personally; momentarily freeing me personally in the present “woe-is-me syndrome."<br><br>It appeared as if my personal neighbors had been moving.<br><br>I experienced known that old guy for around eight months (the total period I had been in your own home through military operations in the last year . 5). Because he or she seemed therefore lonesome, I usually managed to get a point to express hi. I helped him or her together with his yard when I could, and allow him to let me know regarding his life.
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Assist you to mentally step out of a hazardous/time-sensitive scenario to facilitate fast - often life-saving -- choices objectively (being an onlooker, not a participant).<br><br>3.Relax a person (even make you chuckle) while you marvel in the absurdity of existence!<br><br>Again, I stated, “Imagine That."<br><br>Above my personal mind, instead of a heavenly full, round cover, I noticed exactly what was similar to a huge, utilized condom! Either a line-over or static electricity had been stopping atmosphere through blowing up my chute.<br><br>I was oscillating extremely.<br><br>All my attempts to inflate the main chute proved not successful. I distribute the main shoulder risers -- nothing. I do the pull-up as well as rose on one riser and let go - hoping that the taking, spring motion associated with my body weight would let a few atmosphere enter the cover. Absolutely no joy. I looked for the usual 4-line release system (a means associated with controlling/steering a parachute through releasing 4 outlines at the rear of the actual canopy), however remembered
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once the army was creating brand new ejection chair coaches for their aircraft pilots, We volunteered for ejection chair training duty. In that old times, the coaches utilized live charges instead of pneumatically-driven space as well as gas breaks. I “shrunk" the centimeter or even two (due to spinal disc data compresion), however later regained my full, manly elevation of 5' 5" a few months later on.<br><br>One much more Extra-Pay Duty story?<br><br>O.K.<br><br>A study had been purchased in order to appraise the results of full armor (Kevlar) in case of emergency egress from the downed helicopter. I got first dibs about this assignment simply because...well, due to the fact nobody else volunteered!<br><br>That should have already been an indication.<br><br>Anyway, I buckled into the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Water Success Training course) heli-copter crisis multi-egress/crash simulation.<br><br>The simulator resembles a giant oil drum. The inside “cabin" is one of the size of the log cabin of a troop transportation helo. It is actually suspended over a small, instruction container (pool) through heavy, steel cables. When the actual operator/engineer is actually motivated, he or she produces tension on the supporting wires and also the gadget jams into the water (as being a real helo might throughout an emergency crash landing in to the ocean). Then, because all top-heavy helicopters perform, the unit starts to change inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all the appropriate egress methods.<br><br>I remained strapped into the seat.
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These advances were ridiculously expensive - occasionally 20-30% curiosity, not including the actual up-front digesting fees!<br><br>Of course, that simply remaining me personally starting the following month with a smaller paycheck.<br><br>- Distraction or Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been sensation sorry personally. How do I get this way? I always labored very hard. I was never extravagant in almost any area of the monetary issues. How? The reason why? It just did not make sense at that time.<br><br>Then, a few activity in the home next door sidetracked me; briefly liberating me from the current “woe-is-me syndrome."<br><br>It looked like my neighbors had been moving.<br><br>I had recognized that old guy for about eight months (the total time I had been at home through army operations in the last 12 months and a half). Because he or she appeared therefore lonesome, I usually managed to get a point to express hello. I helped him with his yard after i could, as well as let him tell me regarding his existence.
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in this Intrepid Trip known as Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.C." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Duty Motivation Pay, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles through the writer:<br><br>“Imagine That...(1) -- The actual Asian Angel of Mercy as well as Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Notions associated with Life, a Different Path, articles (One) - (Seven)." (This is an ongoing number of articles that target self-improvement, achievement, and happiness).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' series, content articles (1) - (23)." (This is an additional
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I was covered around the upside down outdoor patio from the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine That.Inch Kevlar floats!<br><br>The body armour was so buoyant which i had been caught, inverted around the outdoor patio of the 9D5. Even worse, the rest of the equipment I'd upon was obtaining snagged on everything in my egress route. Cargo barbs, helo frame, as well as chairs turned out to be only one more thing in order to disentangle myself from before I possibly could depart the actual simulation.<br><br>I'm not sure just how long I would already been holding my inhale. Activity and emotional condition may seriously reduce your inhale keeping time.<br><br>Outside the coach, the security scuba diver, a pal associated with mine, motioned the actual “need assistance" signal.<br><br>I smiled and waived him or her off.<br><br>Finally, I said “f*ck this,Inch snapped up my personal HEEDs (heli-copter crisis egress gadget - a small Scuba diving container the size of a sizable café-latte from Starbucks), purged the actual mini-regulator of water, and required the inhale of compressed atmosphere.<br><br>This was usually a final resort simply because ascent to the surface and breathing had to be controlled afterwards. On a breath hold, one could rule out the dangers of DCS (decompression sickness) as well as Grow older (arterial gas embolism - the greater serious condition whenever a bubble moves through the blood vessels and accommodations in certain rather bothersome locations; specifically the heart or even mind).<br><br>Oh well, it was going to be an extended day compared to
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By|Through} Carl “J.D." Pantejo, Copyright laws July 07.<br><br>(*Below is an excerpt from “My Friend Yu -- The Wealth Mentor,Inch Copyright August 2007. Pantejo - B.N. Vurce Publishing.)<br><br>One period, when I was a child of about Twenty three years old, I purchased a small, starter home within Marietta, Florida. It involved 25-30 minutes away from the Navy Base where I had been assigned. The house was small as well as old. It was warmed up by heating oil from a gas tank located at the rear of
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Depending on how far within the universe and just how numerous were impacted by your ideas or actions, the actual accrued return from the world may be the size a small wave; or even the size of a great browsing wave; or even the size a massive tsunami!<br><br>- Heating Oil as well as Common Laws and regulations -<br><br>Now, I realize the reason why the above mentioned “heating oil" occasion unfolded the way it did.<br><br>In the start, the negative thoughts and self-pity I stored concentrating on actually drawn a lot of exact same (Loa).
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These laws control all of our life (and the remaining Universe). They run completely as well as with out prejudice - constantly.<br><br>- Accrued Results -<br><br>Good deeds usually lead to some type of goodness returning to a person. In fact, regardless of whether negative or positive, the result that “rebounds" back again in the universe are frequently many times larger than that which was at first “thrown" out there.<br><br>Here's a simple explanation for this “multiplied rebound" phenomena:<br><br>When a person behave or think, the effects of the measures and thoughts disseminate through the universe like the ripples made whenever a pebble is actually thrown in to relaxed water. As your own results travel outward in to the world, they contact my way through its path. Consequently, individuals affected - in the farthest towards the closest - react using their personal “ripples" back again in your direction.<br><br>Each response is added to the audience of “returning ripples;" ultimately growing right into a “returning wave.
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Assist you to psychologically leave the hazardous/time-sensitive scenario to help fast -- frequently life-saving -- choices fairly (being an observer, not a person).<br><br>3.Unwind a person (actually make you chuckle) while you wonder in the absurdity associated with life!<br><br>Again, I stated, “Imagine Which."<br><br>Above my personal head, instead of a incredible complete, round canopy, We saw exactly what was similar to a huge, utilized condom! Either a line-over or even interferance electricity had been preventing atmosphere through blowing up my personal chute.<br><br>I had been rotaing wildly.<br><br>All my attempts to inflate the main chute proved not successful. I distribute the main make risers -- nothing. I do a pull-up and rose on one riser as well as let go - hoping the popping, springtime action of my body weight might let a few atmosphere go into the cover. No joy. I sought out the typical 4-line release program (a way associated with controlling/steering the parachute by delivering four lines at the rear of the cover), but then remembered
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I expected.<br><br>Without the immediate requirement for atmosphere, I methodically doffed the Kevlar vest, as well as connected it around my personal arm. I checked out my buddy as well as waived my personal center finger in the Kevlar vest.<br><br>My buddy took out his regulator, smiled, and caught his usb in his mouth. Then he or she simulated poking himself in the butt by using it. The which means had been obvious: F*ck me personally! I'm by no means putting on Kevlar inside a heli-copter soaring over the water!<br><br>And neither am i going to.<br><br>- A Bad Day at work -<br><br>Back towards the situation at hand: “Big Army Parachute, Not-So-Big Guy."<br><br>I knew it was going to be a poor day when the archaic physique harness from the large parachute and opening surprise made me seem like I had been being divided in two - in the genitals upward!<br><br>After defeating on my small numbed legs, I instantly examined my personal canopy and noticed the following touch associated with my poor day.<br><br>Reflexively, I said out loud, “Imagine That" (my own “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For those of you who weren't indoctrinated in to the fantastic realm of hazardous responsibility, let me cue you in. Almost just about all operators have a “bleeding down or even releasing pressure," personal catch-phrase they are saying to themselves to instantly relax.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve a vital objective. They put you into a mindset that is favorable in order to success, particularly when you're “having a poor work day."<br><br>Catch-phrases will:<br><br>1.Delete damaging/time-consuming emotions out of your present situation.<br><br>2.
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By|Through} Carl “J.C." Pantejo, Copyright July 07.<br><br>(*Below is an clip from “My Friend Yu - The actual Wealth Coach," Copyright August 2007. Pantejo -- Y.N. Vurce Publishing.)<br><br>One time, when I would be a child around Twenty three years old, I purchased a little, beginner home within Marietta, Florida. It involved 25-30 moments from the Navy Foundation where I had been assigned. The home was small and aged. It was warmed up by heating oil from the fuel tank located behind
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this was an old military chute with no this kind of abilities.<br><br>I pondered regardless of whether I should try and find the possible line-over and begin cutting outlines (one by one) with my connected cloak collection cutter.<br><br>By experience, I possibly could “feel" which i hadn't regained terminal speed (regarding 147 mph)...however. It had been most likely because of the minor rubbing caused by the actual “Used Rubber" flailing over me. Physicists will explain that one sq . lawn will decrease your free-fall impetus through as much as Twenty percent.<br><br>But a quick glance at the on-rushing ground (thought of ground colour begins around the Ten,Thousand in order to 12,Thousand feet roof) and verification along with my personal wrist altimeter explained that I really did not have enough time for playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Surgeon with any kind of problem cloak lines.<br><br>Damn, I hate it at these times...<br><br>[Continued in “Imagine Which...(Three) -- Medical Grass Conflicts and Angels associated with Mercy Revisited."]<br><br>Your friend
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Farangs as well as Finance: The Myth"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Eight) Living Well? Farangs as well as Financial: The truth, Stupidity, and difficult Knocks."<br><br>“How Dare Your woman! Out associated with Desperation We Learned How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember Who You Are!"<br><br>“Need to Recover Your Broken Coronary heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak and Learn the Illusive Secret of Happiness."<br>“Simple (and Priceless) Existence Lessons In the Most Influential Wealth Coach in My Life - My personal Father"<br>And much more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo as well as released internet-wide, key phrase: [title associated with
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When We replaced the actual negative thoughts with appreciation (the love of my spouse), things instantly transformed for that much better.<br><br>When We stayed good and offered to help the old man, the universe responded in type; giving me a massively positive thing in exchange (the heating system oil)!<br><br>And We re-examine my additional “guardian angel," miracle experiences, it all truly is sensible right now. Whenever We obeyed the actual Universal Laws and regulations set up by the Original Substance (God), some thing or even someone always made an appearance from nowhere that helped me to during my hr associated with need.<br><br>“Until the next time, end up being brave enough to consider another Route."<br><br>Your Friend in this Smart Trip called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo<br><br>Law of Appeal, Law associated with Expected outcomes, Universal Laws and regulations, protector angel, love, positive, unfavorable.<br><br>Note: If you want to read more about Universal Laws and regulations, unconditional adore, exorcising past personal devils, and also the Illusive Key associated with Happiness, make sure you read the subsequent articles:<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow': From Heartbreak in order to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (2): Coincidence or Synchronicity: FROM RELAPSE In order to MIRACLES..."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Three): LOST AND FOUND -- Kindred Mood as well as Errors produced in Hurry."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (4): LOST And located -- Intended to be?"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (5): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (6): “New Origins, Aged Endings"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Seven) - Living Nicely?
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When I replaced the actual negative thoughts along with appreciation (the actual passion for my wife), things instantly changed for the much better.<br><br>When I stayed positive and offered to help the aged man, the universe replied within type; providing me a massively good thing in exchange (the heating system essential oil)!<br><br>And We re-examine my other “guardian angel," miracle encounters, it all really is sensible now. Whenever We followed the actual Common Laws and regulations set up through the Original Material (God), something or somebody always made an appearance from nowhere to help me in my hr associated with need.<br><br>“Until next time, be courageous enough to consider a Different Path."<br><br>Your Friend in this Smart Trip known as Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo<br><br>Law of Appeal, Legislation associated with Expected outcomes, Universal Laws, protector angel, love, good, negative.<br><br>Note: If you need to read more regarding Common Laws and regulations, unconditional love, exorcising past personal demons, and the Imaginary Secret of Happiness, make sure you browse the subsequent content articles:<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow': From Heartbreak to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (2): Coincidence or Synchronicity: FROM RELAPSE In order to Wonders..."<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Three): LOST AND FOUND -- Kindred Mood and Errors produced in Haste."<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Four): LOST And located - Meant to Be?"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Five): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (6): “New Origins, Aged Endings"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (7) - Residing Well?
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that this was an old army chute without any such capabilities.<br><br>I considered whether I ought to try and discover the feasible line-over and begin cutting lines (one at a time) along with my hooked cloak collection cutter.<br><br>By experience, I possibly could “feel" which i had not obtained fatal velocity (about 147 mph)...yet. It was probably due to the small rubbing caused by the actual “Used Rubber" flailing over me personally. Physicists will explain that one square yard may lower your free-fall momentum through up to 20 percent.<br><br>But a quick look at the on-rushing ground (thought of ground color starts round the Ten,000 in order to Twelve,000 foot ceiling) and confirmation along with my arm altimeter explained that I really did not have enough time for actively playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Doctor with any offending shroud lines.<br><br>Damn, I personally don't like this at these times...<br><br>[Continued in “Imagine Which...(Three) - Medical Turf Conflicts as well as Angels associated with Whim Revisited."]<br><br>Your friend
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I was covered on the upside down deck of the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine Which.Inch Kevlar drifts!<br><br>The body armour was so buoyant that I was stuck, inverted around the outdoor patio from the 9D5. Even worse, all of those other equipment I'd on was getting snagged upon my way through my personal egress path. Freight hooks, helo frame, and seats proved to be just one more thing in order to disentangle personally from before I could depart the simulation.<br><br>I'm not sure how long I'd been keeping my breath. Activity and emotional state may severely reduce your breath holding period.<br><br>Outside the actual coach, the safety diver, a buddy of mine, motioned the actual “need assistance" signal.<br><br>I smiled as well as waived him away.<br><br>Finally, I said “f*ck it,Inch grabbed my personal HEEDs (helicopter emergency egress gadget - a small Scuba diving container how big a sizable café-latte from Starbucks), purged the actual mini-regulator water, as well as required a breath associated with compressed air.<br><br>This had been always a final resort because ascent towards the surface area as well as inhaling and exhaling had to be managed later on. On the inhale maintain, you could eliminate the dangers of DCS (decompression illness) and AGE (arterial gas embolism - the more serious situation when a percolate moves with the arteries and lodges in certain instead bothersome locations; specifically one's heart or even mind).<br><br>Oh nicely, it was going to be an extended day than
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When We changed the mental poison along with appreciation (the love of my wife), issues immediately changed for the better.<br><br>When I stayed good as well as agreed to help the aged man, the universe responded within type; giving us a massively good thing in exchange (the heating system essential oil)!<br><br>And I re-examine my other “guardian angel,Inch wonder experiences, it all truly makes sense right now. Whenever I followed the actual Common Laws and regulations setup by the Unique Substance (Lord), something or even someone usually made an appearance from nowhere to help me in my hr of require.<br><br>“Until next time, be courageous enough to take a Different Route."<br><br>Your Buddy within this Intrepid Journey called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo<br><br>Law associated with Attraction, Legislation associated with Expected outcomes, Common Laws and regulations, guardian angel, love, good, negative.<br><br>Note: If you want to read more about Common Laws and regulations, unconditional love, exorcising past individual demons, and also the Illusive Key of Happiness, please browse the following content articles:<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow': From Heartbreak to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Two): Coincidence or even Synchronicity: FROM RELAPSE TO Wonders..."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Three): LOST AND FOUND - Kindred Mood and Errors made in Haste."<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (4): LOST AND FOUND - Meant to Be?"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (5): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Six): “New Beginnings, Old Endings"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Seven) - Living Nicely?
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I was covered around the upside down deck from the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine Which.Inch Kevlar drifts!<br><br>The physique armour am confident which i was caught, inverted on the deck of the 9D5. Even worse, the rest of the equipment I'd upon had been getting snagged upon my way through my egress path. Cargo barbs, helo body, as well as chairs proved to be only one more thing in order to disentangle personally through before I could depart the simulator.<br><br>I'm unsure how long I would been holding my breath. Activity and emotional condition may seriously reduce your inhale keeping period.<br><br>Outside the actual trainer, the safety scuba diver, a pal of mine, motioned the actual “need assistance" signal.<br><br>I smiled as well as waived him or her off.<br><br>Finally, I stated “f*ck it," snapped up my HEEDs (helicopter emergency egress gadget -- a little Scuba diving container the size of a large café-latte from Starbucks), cleared the mini-regulator of water, and took a inhale associated with compressed atmosphere.<br><br>This had been always a final vacation resort because ascent towards the surface area and inhaling and exhaling needed to be managed later on. On the inhale hold, you could eliminate the dangers associated with DCS (decompression illness) as well as AGE (arterial gas embolism - the more serious situation whenever a percolate moves through the blood vessels and lodges in certain instead bothersome places; namely one's heart or brain).<br><br>Oh nicely, it had been going to be a longer day time compared to
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within this Intrepid Trip called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Duty Motivation Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, hashish, line-over.<br><br>Other articles by the author:<br><br>“Imagine That...(1) -- The actual Hard anodized cookware Angel of Mercy as well as Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Thoughts of Existence, a Different Path, content articles (One) -- (Seven).Inch (It is really an ongoing number of content articles that target self-improvement, success, as well as joy).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' series, articles (One) -- (23)." (This really is an additional
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in this Smart Trip known as Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Responsibility Incentive Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, experimental, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other articles by the author:<br><br>“Imagine That...(One) -- The actual Hard anodized cookware Angel associated with Mercy and Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Thoughts of Life, another Path, content articles (1) -- (7).Inch (This is an continuing series of articles that focus on self-improvement, success, as well as happiness).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' series, content articles (One) - (23)." (This really is another
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Help you psychologically step out of the hazardous/time-sensitive situation in order to facilitate fast -- often life-saving - choices objectively (as an observer, not a person).<br><br>3.Relax a person (even make you laugh) as you wonder at the absurdity associated with existence!<br><br>Again, We said, “Imagine Which."<br><br>Above my personal head, rather than a heavenly complete, spherical cover, I noticed exactly what resembled a huge, utilized condom! Either a line-over or even static electricity had been stopping atmosphere through blowing up my chute.<br><br>I had been oscillating wildly.<br><br>All my attempts to fill the primary chute demonstrated unsuccessful. I distribute the primary make risers - absolutely nothing. I did a pull-up and rose up on one riser as well as let go -- wishing that the popping, spring action of my personal body weight might allow some air enter the canopy. Absolutely no joy. I looked for the typical 4-line release system (a way of controlling/steering a parachute by delivering 4 lines powering the cover), but then appreciated
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These improvements had been ridiculously expensive - sometimes 20-30% curiosity, not including the actual up-front processing charges!<br><br>Of course, that simply remaining me beginning the following 30 days having a smaller paycheck.<br><br>- Diversion or Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been sensation sorry personally. How do I get by doing this? I always worked very hard. I was never luxurious in any area of our monetary matters. Exactly how? Why? It simply did not make sense at the time.<br><br>Then, a few activity in the house across the street distracted me; momentarily freeing me personally in the current “woe-is-me affliction."<br><br>It looked like my neighbor was shifting.<br><br>I experienced recognized that old guy for around 8 months (the total time I had been at home from military operations within the last year . 5). Because he or she appeared therefore lonely, I usually managed to get a point to say hi. I helped him with his lawn after i might, as well as allow him to tell me about their existence.
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this was an old military chute without any such abilities.<br><br>I pondered whether I should try and discover the feasible line-over and start cutting outlines (one at a time) with my hooked cloak collection used vinyl cutter.<br><br>By experience, I could “feel" which i had not regained terminal velocity (about 147 miles per hour)...yet. It was most likely due to the small rubbing caused by the “Used Rubber" flailing over me. Physicists will tell you that certain square lawn will decrease your free-fall impetus through up to 20 per cent.<br><br>But a quick look at the on-rushing floor (thought of ground colour starts around the Ten,Thousand in order to 12,Thousand feet ceiling) as well as verification with my personal wrist altimeter explained which i really did not have much time with regard to playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Surgeon along with any offending cloak outlines.<br><br>Damn, I hate this when this happens...<br><br>[Continued in “Imagine That...(Three) -- Medical Turf Wars as well as Angels of Whim Revisited."]<br><br>Your buddy
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I had been covered on the inverted deck of the simulator.<br><br>“Imagine That." Kevlar drifts!<br><br>The body armor was so confident that I was caught, inverted on the deck from the 9D5. Even worse, all of those other gear I had on had been getting snagged upon everything in my egress route. Cargo hooks, helo body, and chairs proved to be just one more factor in order to disentangle personally from before I possibly could depart the actual simulation.<br><br>I'm not sure just how long I'd been keeping my inhale. Activity and psychological state may severely cut your breath keeping time.<br><br>Outside the coach, the security diver, a buddy associated with mine, motioned the actual “need assistance" transmission.<br><br>I smiled as well as waived him or her away.<br><br>Finally, I stated “f*ck this,Inch grabbed my personal HEEDs (heli-copter crisis egress gadget -- a little Scuba diving container the size of a sizable café-latte from Local cafe), cleared the actual mini-regulator of water, and took the breath of compressed atmosphere.<br><br>This had been usually a final vacation resort because ascent towards the surface and inhaling and exhaling had to be managed later on. On a inhale hold, one could rule out the dangers of DCS (decompression illness) and Grow older (arterial gas embolism - the greater serious situation when a percolate travels with the blood vessels as well as accommodations in certain instead bothersome places; namely the heart or mind).<br><br>Oh well, it had been going to be a longer day than
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within this Smart Journey called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Duty Motivation Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, experimental, hashish, line-over.<br><br>Other articles through the author:<br><br>“Imagine That...(One) -- The actual Asian Angel of Mercy as well as Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Notions of Existence, a Different Route, articles (1) - (7)." (It is really an continuing number of articles that target self-improvement, success, as well as happiness).<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' series, articles (1) - (23)." (This is an additional
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when the army had been designing brand new ejection chair coaches for his or her jet aircraft pilots, We volunteered with regard to ejection seat training responsibility. In that old times, the actual coaches used reside charges rather than pneumatic propulsion and gas breaks or cracks. I “shrunk" a centimeter or even 2 (due to spinal disk compression), however later regained my personal full, macho height of 5' 5" a couple of months later.<br><br>One much more Extra-Pay Duty story?<br><br>O.Nited kingdom.<br><br>A study was ordered to measure the results of full armor (Kevlar) in the event of emergency egress from a downed helicopter. I got very first dibs about this task because...nicely, due to the fact no one else offered!<br><br>That should have already been an indication.<br><br>Anyway, I buckled in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Water Success Training Program) helicopter crisis multi-egress/crash simulation.<br><br>The simulation resembles a giant essential oil drum. The inside “cabin" is about the size the cabin of the troop transportation helo. It is hanging above a little, training tank (pool) by heavy, metal wires. When the operator/engineer is prompted, he or she releases pressure around the supporting cables and also the gadget slams into the water (just like a real helo might throughout an crisis crash landing into the sea). After that, as all top-heavy helis do, the unit starts to turn upside down.<br><br>I knew/taught all the correct egress methods.<br><br>I continued to be buckled into the seat.
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These improvements had been absurdly expensive - occasionally 20-30% interest, not including the up-front digesting charges!<br><br>Of program, that simply left me personally starting the next 30 days with a smaller salary.<br><br>- Distraction or Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I was sensation i'm sorry personally. How do I get by doing this? I always labored very hard. I was never extravagant in any area of our financial issues. Exactly how? Why? It simply did not make sense at the time.<br><br>Then, some activity in the house across the street distracted me; momentarily liberating me personally from the present “woe-is-me affliction."<br><br>It looked like my personal neighbors had been shifting.<br><br>I experienced recognized the old guy for about eight several weeks (the total time I had been at home from military operations in the last 12 months . 5). Because he appeared so lonely, I always managed to get a point to express hello. I helped him or her together with his yard after i might, as well as let him tell me regarding his life.
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I expected.<br><br>Without the instant need for atmosphere, I systematically doffed the Kevlar vest, and hooked it around my personal equip. I checked out my buddy as well as waived my personal center hand at the Kevlar vest.<br><br>My buddy got his regulator, smiled, as well as caught their usb in his mouth. Then he simulated putting himself in the butt by using it. The which means had been apparent: F*ck me personally! I'm never wearing Kevlar in a heli-copter flying within the water!<br><br>And neither am i going to.<br><br>- A poor Day at work -<br><br>Back to the scenario available: “Big Military Parachute, Not-So-Big Man."<br><br>I understood it was likely to be a poor day time once the traditional physique funnel of the large parachute and opening surprise helped me seem like I was becoming divided in two - from the crotch up!<br><br>After beating on my numbed thighs, I immediately examined my personal canopy as well as saw the next touch of my bad day.<br><br>Reflexively, I stated out loud, “Imagine That" (my personal “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For those of you that weren't indoctrinated in to the wonderful realm of dangerous duty, allow me to cue a person in. Almost just about all operators have a “bleeding lower or delivering stress,Inch personal catch-phrase they say privately to instantly relax.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve an important purpose. They place you into a mindset that's favorable in order to survival, especially when you are “having a poor work day."<br><br>Catch-phrases will:<br><br>1.Delete damaging/time-consuming feelings out of your present situation.<br><br>2.
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within this Intrepid Trip known as Life,<br><br>Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Duty Incentive Spend, Kevlar, hypothermia, experimental, hashish, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles by the writer:<br><br>“Imagine That...(One) -- The actual Asian Angel associated with Whim and Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Notions of Existence, a Different Path, articles (One) -- (7).Inch (This is an continuing number of articles that focus on self-improvement, success, and joy).<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' series, articles (1) - (Twenty three)." (This really is an additional
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By|Through} Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo, Copyright August 07.<br><br>(*Below is definitely an excerpt through “My Friend Yu - The Wealth Mentor,Inch Copyright August 2007. Pantejo -- Y.N. Vurce Publishing.)<br><br>One period, when I was a child of about Twenty three years old, I bought a small, beginner house within Marietta, Sarasota. It was about 25-30 minutes from the Navy Base where I had been assigned. The house had been tiny and old. It had been warmed by heating essential oil from a gas tank situated behind
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Farangs as well as Finance: The Myth"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (8) Living Well? Farangs and Finance: The truth, Ignorance, and Hard Knocks."<br><br>“How Dare She! Out of Frustration We Discovered How you can Forgive"<br><br>“Remember Who You Are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Recover Your own Damaged Heart? Continue reading. Overcome Heartbreak and Learn the Imaginary Key of Joy."<br>“Simple (and Invaluable) Existence Lessons In the Most Influential Wealth Mentor during my Life -- My Father"<br>And a lot more!<br><br>(By Carl “J.D." Pantejo as well as released internet-wide, key phrase: [title of
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When We replaced the mental poison along with gratitude (the passion for my spouse), things instantly transformed for that much better.<br><br>When We stayed positive and agreed to assist the aged guy, the actual universe responded within type; giving us a enormously good thing in exchange (the heating system oil)!<br><br>And We re-examine my personal additional “guardian angel,Inch wonder experiences, it all truly is sensible right now. Whenever I obeyed the actual Universal Laws and regulations set up by the Original Material (Lord), some thing or even someone always made an appearance out of no place to help me during my hr associated with need.<br><br>“Until next time, end up being brave sufficient to take another Route."<br><br>Your Buddy in this Smart Journey called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo<br><br>Law of Appeal, Legislation of Expected outcomes, Common Laws and regulations, protector angel, love, good, unfavorable.<br><br>Note: If you need to read more about Common Laws, unconditional adore, exorcising previous individual demons, and also the Imaginary Key of Joy, please read the following content articles:<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow': From Heartbreak in order to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Two): Coincidence or Synchronicity: FROM RELAPSE In order to MIRACLES..."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Three): LOST AND FOUND -- Kindred Spirits and Mistakes produced in Haste."<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Four): LOST AND FOUND -- Meant to Be?"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (5): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Six): “New Origins, Aged Endings"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Seven) - Living Nicely?
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that this had been a classic military chute with no such capabilities.<br><br>I pondered regardless of whether I should try to find the possible line-over and begin reducing lines (one at a time) with my personal connected cloak collection cutter.<br><br>By encounter, I possibly could “feel" that I had not regained terminal speed (about 147 mph)...however. It was most likely because of the minor rubbing caused by the “Used Rubber" flailing over me personally. Physicists will tell you that one sq . lawn will decrease your free-fall momentum through up to Twenty per cent.<br><br>But a fast look at the on-rushing ground (perception of ground colour begins around the 10,000 in order to Twelve,000 foot roof) and confirmation with my personal arm altimeter explained which i really didn't have much time for actively playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Doctor with any kind of problem shroud lines.<br><br>Damn, I hate this at these times...<br><br>[Continued within “Imagine That...(3) - Healthcare Grass Conflicts as well as Angels of Mercy Revisited."]<br><br>Your friend
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Depending on how far in the world and how numerous had been affected by your thoughts or even actions, the accumulated return from the universe could be the size of a little influx; or the size of a good browsing influx; or the size of a massive tsunami!<br><br>- Heating system Essential oil and Common Laws -<br><br>Now, I realize the reason why the above “heating oil" occasion unfolded the actual way it did.<br><br>In the start, the negativity as well as self-pity I kept concentrating on really attracted more of the same (Loa).
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I expected.<br><br>Without the actual instant requirement for atmosphere, I methodically doffed the Kevlar jacket, as well as connected it around my arm. I looked at my buddy as well as waived my personal middle hand in the Kevlar vest.<br><br>My pal got their regulator, smiled, and caught their thumb in his mouth. Then he or she simulated poking themself in the butt with it. The which means had been obvious: F*ck me! I'm never wearing Kevlar inside a heli-copter flying over the drinking water!<br><br>And nor am i going to.<br><br>- A poor Day at work -<br><br>Back towards the scenario available: “Big Army Parachute, Not-So-Big Man."<br><br>I knew it was going to be a bad day once the traditional physique funnel of the big parachute and starting shock made me feel like I was being split in half - from the genitals upward!<br><br>After beating on my small numbed legs, I immediately checked my personal canopy and noticed the following touch of my bad day.<br><br>Reflexively, I stated out loud, “Imagine That" (my personal “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For those of you that weren't indoctrinated into the wonderful realm of dangerous duty, allow me to signal a person in. Almost all operators have a “bleeding down or even delivering stress,Inch personal catch-phrase they are saying privately to right away calm down.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve a vital objective. They put you right into a way of thinking that is favorable to success, especially when you are “having a bad day at work."<br><br>Catch-phrases will:<br><br>1.Delete damaging/time-consuming feelings out of your present scenario.<br><br>2.
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once the military was creating new ejection chair trainers for his or her aircraft pilots, We offered for ejection chair instruction duty. In that old times, the actual coaches utilized reside charges rather than pneumatically-driven space as well as gas breaks. I “shrunk" a centimeter or even two (because of spinal disk data compresion), however later on obtained my full, manly elevation of 5' 5" a couple of months later.<br><br>One more Extra-Pay Responsibility story?<br><br>O.K.<br><br>A research was ordered to measure the results of full armour (Kevlar) in case of emergency egress from a downed helicopter. I obtained very first dibs on this assignment simply because...well, due to the fact no one else offered!<br><br>That should have been a sign.<br><br>Anyway, I buckled into the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Drinking water Survival Training Program) heli-copter emergency multi-egress/crash simulator.<br><br>The simulation resembles a huge essential oil drum. The inside “cabin" is about the size of the actual log cabin of a troop transport helo. It is suspended over a little, instruction tank (pool) by heavy, steel wires. When the operator/engineer is actually motivated, he releases pressure on the supporting cables and also the gadget slams into the drinking water (as being a real helo might throughout an emergency accident getting into the ocean). After that, because just about all top-heavy helis do, the device begins to turn inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all the appropriate egress methods.<br><br>I continued to be buckled in to the seat.
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when the military was designing brand new ejection chair coaches for his or her jet aircraft pilots, I offered with regard to ejection chair instruction responsibility. In the old days, the coaches utilized live costs rather than pneumatically-driven space and gas breaks or cracks. I “shrunk" the centimeter or 2 (because of spine disc data compresion), but later on regained my complete, macho height associated with 5' 5" a couple of months later on.<br><br>One more Extra-Pay Duty tale?<br><br>O.K.<br><br>A research was ordered in order to appraise the effects of full body armor (Kevlar) in the event of crisis egress from a downed helicopter. I got first dibs on this assignment simply because...well, due to the fact no one else volunteered!<br><br>That should have already been a sign.<br><br>Anyway, We strapped into the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Water Survival Training Program) heli-copter emergency multi-egress/crash simulation.<br><br>The simulator resembles a huge oil drum. The inside “cabin" is about the size the cabin of a troop transportation helo. It is actually suspended over a small, training tank (pool) by thick, metal wires. When the operator/engineer is motivated, he or she produces tension on the helping cables and the gadget slams in to the drinking water (as being a real helo might during an crisis crash getting in to the ocean). After that, because just about all top-heavy helicopters perform, the device starts to turn upside down.<br><br>I knew/taught all of the correct egress procedures.<br><br>I continued to be buckled into the chair.
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By|Through} Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo, Copyright July 07.<br><br>(*Below is an clip from “My Buddy Yu - The Prosperity Mentor,Inch Copyright August 2007. Pantejo - Y.D. Vurce Posting.)<br><br>One period, when I would be a child of about 23 years old, I bought a small, beginner house within Marietta, Sarasota. It involved 25-30 moments from the Navy blue Base exactly where I was designated. The house was tiny and old. It was warmed up by heating oil from the fuel tank located at the rear of
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By|Through} Carl “J.C." Pantejo, Copyright laws August 2007.<br><br>(*Below is definitely an clip through “My Friend Yu -- The Wealth Mentor," Copyright July 2007. Pantejo -- Y.D. Vurce Posting.)<br><br>One period, when I would be a young man of about 23 years of age, I purchased a little, beginner house within Marietta, Florida. It was about 25-30 minutes away from the Navy blue Foundation where I had been assigned. The house had been small as well as aged. It had been warmed up through heating system oil from the gas tank located at the rear of
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continuing number of content articles about love, love, Asian/Western associations, romantic relationship evaluation, and more.)<br><br>“How Dare She! Out associated with Desperation We Learned How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Recover Your own Damaged Heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak and Discover the Imaginary Key of Joy."<br><br>“Simple (as well as Priceless) Life Training in the Most Influential Prosperity Coach during my Existence - My Father"<br><br>And a lot more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.D." Pantejo as well as published internet-wide, key phrase: [title of article] or even “Carl Pantejo")
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The man's solitary situation advised me personally how lucky I had been to possess my wife. I was instantly full of an excellent sense of appreciation for that love as well as friendship associated with my spouse. Although we were dealing with a few rough occasions, we always appeared to remember what we really meant to each other.<br><br>Now it looked like this lonesome, old man had been shifting?<br><br>I hoped everything would be alright for him. I did not visit a “for Sale" sign in their lawn, and so i strolled across the street as well as peered into his open up door. Yes, just about all his issues were all encased up. When he or she walked in to their family room carrying another box, We took this from him and placed this next to the others.<br><br>After chatting for a little bit, he or she told me that their child and spouse extended an invite to live together up north; and the man had been wanting to be around his grandchildren. I sincerely wished him or her best of luck as well as requested him if he or she required help with other things.<br><br>Then something remarkable happened.<br><br>The guy told me which everything ended aside from one thing. He had to stay for two more times since the people he or she was having to pay to empty their heating system oil tank had been too hectic! Immediately We offered to do it for free!<br><br>He was thrilled.<br><br>I had been surprised.<br><br>He was completely unaware of my personal eager requirement for heating system essential oil and had been simply pleased to be departing previously.<br><br>Can you think this?<br><br>One minute I am feeling sorry for myself simply because I figured my wife and I would freeze; and now my personal neighbor had been giving me a complete tank associated with heating oil - sufficient in order to last for a minimum of three payday periods!<br><br>- Common Laws for action -<br><br>The Law of Attraction: Like causes appeal to such as results. Being positive attracts more positive issues into your life; while negative thoughts attracts much more unfavorable things.<br><br>The Legislation of Cause and Effect: Sowing as well as reaping, karma, or even “what circles comes around,Inch etc. You literally get back what you hand out. It holds true which no bad deed goes unpunished. If you live by the sword, you pass away through the blade.<br><br>The Law of Expected outcomes goes hand in hand with the Law of Attraction.
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These improvements were absurdly expensive - sometimes 20-30% curiosity, not including the actual up-front digesting charges!<br><br>Of program, that just remaining me beginning the next month with a smaller paycheck.<br><br>- Diversion or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been feeling sorry for myself. How do I get by doing this? I always worked very difficult. I never was extravagant in any area of our monetary matters. How? Why? It just didn't seem sensible at the time.<br><br>Then, a few activity in the house across the street distracted me personally; briefly liberating me in the present “woe-is-me affliction."<br><br>It appeared as if my personal neighbor was moving.<br><br>I had recognized that old man for around 8 months (the entire period I had been in your own home from military operations in the last 12 months . 5). Because he or she seemed so lonely, I usually made it a point to say hi. I assisted him or her with his lawn after i might, as well as allow him to let me know about their life.
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When We replaced the mental poison with gratitude (the actual love of my spouse), things immediately transformed for the better.<br><br>When I remained positive and agreed to help the old guy, the universe responded in kind; giving me a massively good thing in exchange (the actual heating essential oil)!<br><br>And I re-examine my other “guardian angel,Inch miracle encounters, everything really is sensible right now. Whenever I obeyed the actual Common Laws and regulations set up by the Unique Material (God), something or someone usually made an appearance out of no place that helped me to in my hr associated with require.<br><br>“Until the next time, end up being brave sufficient to take a Different Path."<br><br>Your Friend within this Intrepid Trip called Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo<br><br>Law associated with Attraction, Law of Expected outcomes, Universal Laws and regulations, protector angel, adore, positive, negative.<br><br>Note: If you need to read more regarding Universal Laws, unconditional adore, exorcising past personal demons, and also the Imaginary Key associated with Joy, make sure you browse the following content articles:<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow': From Heartbreak to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (2): Coincidence or even Synchronicity: FROM Backslide In order to Wonders..."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (3): LOST And located -- Kindred Mood as well as Mistakes produced in Hurry."<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (4): LOST And located - Intended to be?"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Five): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (6): “New Origins, Aged Endings"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (7) -- Living Well?
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These improvements were absurdly costly - sometimes 20-30% curiosity, excluding the actual up-front processing charges!<br><br>Of program, that simply left me starting the following 30 days having a smaller sized paycheck.<br><br>- Distraction or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I was sensation i'm sorry for myself. How do I get by doing this? I usually labored very hard. I was never extravagant in any area of our monetary matters. Exactly how? Why? It simply did not make sense at that time.<br><br>Then, a few exercise in the home next door sidetracked me personally; briefly liberating me from the present “woe-is-me syndrome."<br><br>It looked like my neighbor had been moving.<br><br>I had known the old guy for around 8 several weeks (the total period I was at home through army operations within the last year and a half). Because he or she seemed so lonely, I usually made it a point to express hello. I helped him with his yard after i could, and let him let me know regarding his existence.
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These laws and regulations govern all of our life (and the rest of the World). They run completely as well as without prejudice -- all the time.<br><br>- Accrued Results -<br><br>Good deeds usually result in some form of amazing benefits returning to a person. Actually, regardless of whether good or bad, the result which “rebounds" back again in the world are frequently often bigger than what was initially “thrown" available.<br><br>Here's a simple explanation for this “multiplied rebound" phenomena:<br><br>When you behave or believe, the effects of the measures as well as thoughts disseminate with the world like the ripples made when a pebble is tossed in to calm water. As your own results journey outward in to the universe, they contact my way through its route. Consequently, those impacted - in the farthest to the nearest - respond with their own “ripples" back again in your direction.<br><br>Each fact is added to the group of “returning ripples;Inch ultimately growing into a “returning wave.
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Farangs as well as Finance: The Myth"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Eight) Residing Well? Farangs and Financial: The Reality, Ignorance, and difficult Knocks."<br><br>“How Dare She! Out associated with Desperation I Discovered How you can Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Recover Your Broken Coronary heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Discover the Illusive Secret of Joy."<br>“Simple (as well as Invaluable) Life Training From the Most Important Prosperity Mentor during my Existence -- My personal Father"<br>And a lot more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo as well as published internet-wide, keyword: [title associated with
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I was expecting.<br><br>Without the actual immediate need for air, We methodically doffed the Kevlar jacket, and connected it about my personal equip. I checked out my cousin as well as waived my middle hand in the Kevlar jacket.<br><br>My pal took out their regulator, smiled, and caught his usb in the mouth area. Then he or she simulated putting themself within the ass by using it. The which means had been obvious: F*ck me! I'm never wearing Kevlar in a heli-copter flying over the water!<br><br>And neither am i going to.<br><br>- A Bad Day at work -<br><br>Back towards the situation at hand: “Big Army Parachute, Not-So-Big Guy."<br><br>I knew it had been going to be a poor day when the archaic body funnel from the large parachute as well as opening shock made me seem like I was becoming split in half -- from the crotch upward!<br><br>After defeating on my small numbed thighs, I instantly checked my personal canopy as well as saw the following hint of my poor day time.<br><br>Reflexively, We stated aloud, “Imagine That" (my personal “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For people who weren't indoctrinated in to the wonderful world of hazardous duty, allow me to signal a person in. Almost just about all operators possess a “bleeding down or even releasing stress," individual catch-phrase they say to themselves to right away relax.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve an important purpose. They place you right into a way of thinking that is conducive to survival, especially when you are “having a bad work day."<br><br>Catch-phrases may:<br><br>1.Remove damaging/time-consuming emotions out of your present situation.<br><br>2.
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once the army was creating brand new ejection seat coaches for their jet aircraft pilots, I volunteered with regard to ejection seat instruction responsibility. In the old times, the coaches used reside charges rather than pneumatic space and hydraulic breaks. I “shrunk" the centimeter or 2 (because of spinal disk compression), however later on regained my personal complete, macho elevation associated with 5' 5" a couple of months later.<br><br>One much more Extra-Pay Responsibility tale?<br><br>O.Nited kingdom.<br><br>A study had been ordered to appraise the effects of full armor (Kevlar) in the event of crisis egress from a downed helicopter. I obtained very first dibs on this task because...well, mainly because no one else offered!<br><br>That should have already been a sign.<br><br>Anyway, I strapped into the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Aviation Water Success Training Program) helicopter emergency multi-egress/crash simulator.<br><br>The simulator looks like a giant oil drum. The within “cabin" is about the size of the cabin of the troop transportation helo. It is hanging above a small, training tank (swimming pool) through thick, steel wires. When the operator/engineer is motivated, he produces tension on the helping cables and the gadget slams into the water (just like a actual helo would during an emergency accident landing in to the sea). After that, because just about all top-heavy helicopters do, the device starts to turn inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all the appropriate egress procedures.<br><br>I continued to be strapped into the seat.
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once the military was designing new ejection seat trainers for his or her jet aircraft pilots, I offered with regard to ejection seat training duty. In that old times, the actual coaches utilized live costs rather than pneumatic propulsion and hydraulic breaks or cracks. I “shrunk" a centimeter or 2 (because of spinal disc data compresion), however later obtained my personal complete, manly height associated with 5' 5" a couple of months later.<br><br>One more Extra-Pay Duty story?<br><br>O.Nited kingdom.<br><br>A research was ordered in order to appraise the results of full armour (Kevlar) in case of emergency egress from the downed helicopter. I got very first dibs on this assignment simply because...nicely, due to the fact no one else volunteered!<br><br>That should've been a sign.<br><br>Anyway, I buckled in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Flight handling Drinking water Survival Training course) helicopter emergency multi-egress/crash simulation.<br><br>The simulator resembles a huge essential oil drum. The inside “cabin" is about the size the actual cabin of a troop transportation helo. It is suspended above a little, training tank (pool) through thick, steel wires. When the actual operator/engineer is actually prompted, he releases tension around the helping wires and also the device jams in to the drinking water (just like a actual helo would during an emergency crash getting in to the sea). After that, because all top-heavy helis do, the unit starts to turn upside down.<br><br>I knew/taught all of the correct egress methods.<br><br>I continued to be buckled in to the chair.
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These laws and regulations govern all of our life (and also the remaining Universe). They run perfectly as well as without bias -- all the time.<br><br>- Accrued Results -<br><br>Good actions usually lead to some type of amazing benefits coming back to you. Actually, regardless of whether good or bad, the result which “rebounds" back from the world will often be often bigger than what was at first “thrown" out there.<br><br>Here's a simplified reason behind this “multiplied rebound" phenomena:<br><br>When a person behave or even think, the effects of your measures as well as ideas disseminate through the universe such as the ripples created when a pebble is actually tossed in to relaxed water. As your effects journey to the outside into the world, these people contact everything in it's path. Consequently, individuals affected -- from the furthest towards the closest -- respond with their personal “ripples" back in your direction.<br><br>Each fact is put into the audience of “returning ripples;Inch eventually growing right into a “returning influx.
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I expected.<br><br>Without the immediate requirement for air, I systematically doffed the Kevlar jacket, and connected this around my equip. I checked out my cousin as well as waived my middle finger in the Kevlar jacket.<br><br>My buddy took out their regulator, smiled, as well as stuck his usb in his mouth. Then he or she simulated putting themself within the butt with it. The meaning was apparent: F*ck me personally! I'm by no means putting on Kevlar inside a helicopter flying within the drinking water!<br><br>And nor will I.<br><br>- A poor Day at work -<br><br>Back to the situation available: “Big Army Parachute, Not-So-Big Man."<br><br>I understood it was going to be a bad day when the archaic body harness of the large parachute as well as starting surprise made me seem like I had been becoming split in two -- in the genitals upward!<br><br>After beating on my numbed legs, I instantly checked my canopy as well as saw the next touch associated with my bad day.<br><br>Reflexively, I stated out loud, “Imagine That" (my personal “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For those of you that haven't been indoctrinated into the fantastic world of dangerous responsibility, allow me to cue you in. Almost all operators have a “bleeding down or releasing stress," individual catch-phrase they say to themselves to instantly relax.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve an important purpose. They put you right into a mindset that is conducive to survival, especially when you are “having a bad day at work."<br><br>Catch-phrases may:<br><br>1.Delete damaging/time-consuming feelings out of your present situation.<br><br>2.
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By Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author “My Buddy Yu - The actual Prosperity Coach,Inch Copyright laws July 07. Pantejo -- B.D. Vurce Posting.<br><br>*The subsequent tale is actually integrated in “My Buddy Yu -- the Prosperity Coach: Book 2," Pantejo -- B.D. Vurce Posting. Launch Date: 08.<br><br>“[Life] Amazing! Isn't it?..."<br><br>- Helping out for Extra Pay -<br><br>I was usually pretty “open-minded" about extra pay. What the Hell, I got'ta work anyway, right? Why not really get a little extra, for just a little additional misery.<br><br>One time I volunteered for Experimental Pay which included me personally doing a cold-weather mission “while putting on a primary body's temperature data collection device."<br><br>The data was required to engineer better anti-exposure gear for missions where hypothermia was a actual danger; and also to design nutritionally sound, cold-weather MRE's (foods, prepared to consume) individualized to the dimension as well as exercise of each owner.<br><br>In reality, the “...while wearing the core body temperature information selection device" was the state method of saying that We as well as my personal whole group used to do our work in an exceedingly chilly region Along with RECTAL THERMOMETERS FIRMLY Stuck Upward OUR BUTTS As well as Moored Presently there BY A blow up BULB After EACH PROBE!<br><br>Needless to say, it was an inconvenience to consider a get rid of -- as well as instead painful if you forgot to flatten the actual bulb!<br><br>Another time,
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this was a classic army chute with no this kind of abilities.<br><br>I considered whether I should try to discover the possible line-over and start reducing lines (one by one) with my personal connected shroud collection used vinyl cutter.<br><br>By experience, I possibly could “feel" which i had not regained terminal velocity (about 147 mph)...however. It had been most likely because of the small rubbing brought on by the actual “Used Rubber" flailing above me personally. Physicists will explain that certain square lawn will lower your free-fall momentum through up to 20 per cent.<br><br>But a quick glance at the on-rushing floor (perception of ground color starts around the 10,Thousand to Twelve,Thousand feet ceiling) as well as verification along with my wrist altimeter told me which i really did not have much time with regard to playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Doctor with any kind of problem cloak outlines.<br><br>Damn, I personally don't like this when this happens...<br><br>[Continued within “Imagine Which...(Three) - Medical Turf Conflicts as well as Angels of Whim Revisited."]<br><br>Your buddy
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I expected.<br><br>Without the actual immediate need for atmosphere, I methodically doffed the actual Kevlar vest, and connected it around my arm. I checked out my cousin as well as waived my center hand in the Kevlar jacket.<br><br>My buddy took out their regulator, smiled, as well as stuck his usb in the mouth area. Then he simulated poking themself within the ass by using it. The which means had been apparent: F*ck me personally! I'm by no means putting on Kevlar in a heli-copter soaring over the water!<br><br>And neither am i going to.<br><br>- A poor Day at work -<br><br>Back to the situation at hand: “Big Military Parachute, Not-So-Big Guy."<br><br>I knew it had been likely to be a bad day when the archaic body harness from the large parachute as well as starting shock helped me feel like I was becoming divided in two -- from the crotch up!<br><br>After defeating on my small numbed thighs, We instantly examined my canopy and saw the next touch associated with my bad day time.<br><br>Reflexively, We stated aloud, “Imagine That" (my own “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For people who weren't indoctrinated into the fantastic world of hazardous duty, allow me to signal you in. Almost just about all operators possess a “bleeding lower or delivering pressure,Inch personal catch-phrase they are saying privately to right away relax.<br><br>These catch-phrases function an important purpose. They place you right into a way of thinking that's conducive in order to success, especially when you're “having a bad work day."<br><br>Catch-phrases will:<br><br>1.Delete damaging/time-consuming emotions out of your present scenario.<br><br>2.
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article] or even “Carl Pantejo")<br><br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com
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that this had been an old army chute with no this kind of abilities.<br><br>I considered whether I ought to try to discover the possible line-over and start reducing outlines (one by one) with my hooked shroud collection used vinyl cutter.<br><br>By encounter, I could “feel" that I hadn't obtained fatal velocity (regarding 147 mph)...yet. It had been most likely because of the minor friction caused by the “Used Rubber" flailing above me personally. Physicists will explain that certain sq . lawn will decrease your free-fall impetus by up to Twenty percent.<br><br>But a quick glance at the on-rushing ground (thought of floor colour starts round the Ten,000 in order to Twelve,Thousand feet roof) and confirmation along with my wrist altimeter told me that I truly didn't have enough time with regard to actively playing Sherlock Holmes/Brain Doctor along with any problem cloak lines.<br><br>Damn, I hate this at these times...<br><br>[Continued within “Imagine Which...(Three) -- Medical Turf Conflicts and Angels associated with Whim Revisited."]<br><br>Your buddy
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in this Intrepid Trip called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.D." Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Responsibility Motivation Pay, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, cannabis, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles by the writer:<br><br>“Imagine Which...(One) -- The Asian Angel associated with Whim and Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Notions associated with Existence, a Different Route, articles (One) - (Seven)." (This is an continuing number of articles that target self-improvement, success, as well as happiness).<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' sequence, articles (1) - (Twenty three).Inch (This really is an additional
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Depending on how much within the world and how many had been impacted by your ideas or even actions, the actual accumulated return in the universe may be the size of a small wave; or even the size a great surfing influx; or even the size an enormous tsunami!<br><br>- Heating system Oil and Universal Laws and regulations -<br><br>Now, I realize the reason why the above mentioned “heating oil" event unfolded the actual way it did.<br><br>In the start, the negativity as well as self-pity I stored focusing on actually attracted more of the same (Law of Attraction).
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I expected.<br><br>Without the immediate need for atmosphere, I systematically doffed the Kevlar vest, and connected this about my equip. I checked out my buddy as well as waived my personal center hand at the Kevlar vest.<br><br>My pal got his regulator, smiled, and stuck his usb in his mouth area. Then he simulated putting themself within the ass with it. The which means was apparent: F*ck me personally! I'm never wearing Kevlar inside a heli-copter flying within the water!<br><br>And nor will I.<br><br>- A poor Work day -<br><br>Back to the situation at hand: “Big Army Parachute, Not-So-Big Man."<br><br>I understood it was going to be a bad day when the archaic body harness of the large parachute as well as starting shock made me seem like I had been becoming divided in half -- in the genitals upward!<br><br>After beating on my numbed legs, I instantly checked my canopy as well as saw the next hint associated with my personal poor day time.<br><br>Reflexively, I said out loud, “Imagine That" (my personal “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For those of you that haven't been indoctrinated into the wonderful world of dangerous duty, allow me to cue a person in. Almost just about all operators have a “bleeding lower or even delivering pressure,Inch personal catch-phrase they are saying to themselves to right away calm down.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve a vital objective. They put you into a mindset that's favorable in order to success, particularly when you're “having a bad day at work."<br><br>Catch-phrases may:<br><br>1.Remove damaging/time-consuming emotions from your present situation.<br><br>2.
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article] or even “Carl Pantejo")<br><br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com
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When I changed the mental poison with appreciation (the actual passion for my spouse), things immediately changed for that much better.<br><br>When I stayed good and offered to assist the old man, the actual world responded within kind; providing us a enormously good thing in return (the actual heating system essential oil)!<br><br>And We re-examine my personal other “guardian angel," miracle experiences, everything really makes sense right now. Whenever We obeyed the Common Laws set up by the Unique Substance (God), something or even someone always made an appearance out of no place to help me during my hour associated with require.<br><br>“Until next time, end up being brave sufficient to take a Different Route."<br><br>Your Friend within this Smart Journey known as Existence,<br><br>Carl “J.C." Pantejo<br><br>Law of Attraction, Law of Cause and Effect, Universal Laws, guardian angel, love, good, negative.<br><br>Note: If you want to find out more about Universal Laws and regulations, unconditional love, exorcising past personal demons, and also the Illusive Key associated with Joy, make sure you read the following content articles:<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow': From Heartbreak in order to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Two): Coincidence or even Synchronicity: FROM RELAPSE In order to MIRACLES..."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Three): LOST AND FOUND -- Kindred Spirits and Mistakes made in Haste."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Four): LOST AND FOUND -- Meant to Be?"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (5): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (6): “New Beginnings, Old Endings"<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Seven) -- Living Nicely?
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When I replaced the mental poison with appreciation (the love of my wife), issues instantly transformed for the better.<br><br>When We remained good and agreed to assist the aged guy, the actual world replied within type; giving us a enormously good thing in exchange (the actual heating essential oil)!<br><br>And We re-examine my other “guardian angel,Inch wonder experiences, it all really is sensible right now. Whenever I obeyed the actual Common Laws setup by the Original Material (Lord), something or even somebody always appeared from no place that helped me to in my hr associated with require.<br><br>“Until the next time, end up being brave sufficient to take a Different Path."<br><br>Your Friend within this Smart Trip called Life,<br><br>Carl “J.C." Pantejo<br><br>Law associated with Appeal, Law associated with Cause and Effect, Common Laws, guardian angel, love, good, negative.<br><br>Note: If you need to find out more about Common Laws, unconditional adore, exorcising past individual devils, and the Illusive Key associated with Joy, please read the following content articles:<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow': From Heartbreak in order to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Two): Coincidence or even Synchronicity: FROM RELAPSE In order to MIRACLES..."<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (Three): LOST And located - Kindred Mood as well as Errors produced in Haste."<br><br>“Experiences from 'The Flow' (4): LOST And located -- Intended to be?"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Five): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Six): “New Beginnings, Aged Endings"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Seven) -- Residing Nicely?
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These improvements were absurdly expensive - occasionally 20-30% interest, not including the actual up-front digesting charges!<br><br>Of course, that just remaining me beginning the following month with a smaller sized paycheck.<br><br>- Diversion or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I had been sensation sorry for myself. How did I get by doing this? I always labored very hard. I never was luxurious in any area of the financial matters. How? The reason why? It just did not make sense at the time.<br><br>Then, a few activity in the home across the street distracted me personally; momentarily liberating me from the current “woe-is-me syndrome."<br><br>It appeared as if my personal neighbor had been shifting.<br><br>I had recognized that old man for about eight several weeks (the total period I had been in your own home through army operations within the last 12 months and a half). Because he appeared therefore lonesome, I always managed to get a place to express hello. I assisted him together with his lawn after i could, as well as let him let me know about his existence.
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I expected.<br><br>Without the actual instant requirement for atmosphere, I methodically doffed the Kevlar vest, as well as connected this about my arm. I checked out my buddy and waived my center finger in the Kevlar jacket.<br><br>My pal took out his regulator, smiled, and caught their thumb in the mouth. Then he simulated poking himself within the ass by using it. The which means had been apparent: F*ck me! I'm never putting on Kevlar inside a heli-copter soaring over the drinking water!<br><br>And neither will I.<br><br>- A poor Work day -<br><br>Back to the situation at hand: “Big Military Parachute, Not-So-Big Guy."<br><br>I knew it was likely to be a bad day time once the traditional body funnel of the large parachute and opening surprise made me feel like I had been being split in half -- in the crotch upward!<br><br>After beating on my small numbed legs, We instantly examined my personal cover as well as saw the next hint associated with my personal bad day.<br><br>Reflexively, We said aloud, “Imagine That" (my personal “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For those of you that haven't been indoctrinated into the fantastic world of hazardous duty, let me cue a person within. Almost just about all providers have a “bleeding lower or even releasing pressure,Inch personal catch-phrase they are saying privately to right away relax.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve an important purpose. They put you into a way of thinking that's favorable in order to success, particularly when you're “having a bad day at work."<br><br>Catch-phrases may:<br><br>1.Remove damaging/time-consuming emotions from your current scenario.<br><br>2.
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in this Intrepid Journey known as Life,<br><br>Carl “J.C.Inch Pantejo<br>Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com<br><br>Hazardous Responsibility Incentive Pay, Kevlar, hypothermia, fresh, hashish, line-over.<br><br>Other content articles by the author:<br><br>“Imagine Which...(1) -- The actual Hard anodized cookware Angel associated with Whim and Assassins."<br><br>“Alternative Thoughts associated with Existence, another Route, content articles (One) -- (Seven)." (This is an continuing series of articles that focus on self-improvement, success, as well as joy).<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' series, articles (One) -- (Twenty three).Inch (This really is another
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The man's solitary situation advised me how lucky I had been to possess my spouse. I had been immediately filled with an excellent feeling of appreciation for the adore as well as friendship of my wife. Although i was dealing with a few tough occasions, all of us usually appeared to keep in mind what we really meant to one another.<br><br>Now it looked like this particular lonely, old man was moving?<br><br>I wished every thing would end up being alright for him. I didn't visit a “for Sale" register their lawn, and so i strolled across the street as well as peered in to his open up front door. Indeed, all his things counseled me encased upward. When he or she strolled into their living room carrying an additional box, I took it from him or her and placed it near the other people.<br><br>After chatting for any bit, he or she explained which their daughter and spouse extended an invitation to reside with them upward north; and the man had been wanting to end up being round his grandchildren. I truly wished him or her good luck as well as asked him or her in the event that he or she required assist with anything else.<br><br>Then some thing miraculous occurred.<br><br>The man explained that everything was done aside from one thing. He had to stay for two more times because the individuals he or she had been paying to drain their heating system essential oil container were too hectic! Immediately I volunteered to do it for free!<br><br>He was overjoyed.<br><br>I was surprised.<br><br>He had been completely unacquainted with my desperate need for heating system oil as well as was simply happy to be leaving earlier.<br><br>Can you think this?<br><br>One minute I'm feeling i'm sorry personally because I figured my wife and I might freeze; and now my neighbor had been providing us a full container associated with heating essential oil -- enough in order to last for at least three payday intervals!<br><br>- Universal Laws in Action -<br><br>The Loa: Like causes attract like results. Being positive attracts more positive issues into your life; while negativity draws in much more unfavorable things.<br><br>The Legislation of Expected outcomes: Sowing as well as reaping, juice, or “what goes around appears,Inch etc. You actually return that which you dish out. It is true which no bad deed will go unpunished. If you live by the blade, a person die by the sword.<br><br>The Legislation of Expected outcomes will go together using the Law of Attraction.
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once the military was designing new ejection chair trainers for his or her jet pilots, We offered for ejection seat instruction duty. In the old times, the coaches used live costs rather than pneumatic propulsion as well as hydraulic breaks. I “shrunk" the centimeter or even two (due to spine disk data compresion), but later obtained my personal complete, macho elevation of 5' 5" a few months later on.<br><br>One much more Extra-Pay Responsibility tale?<br><br>O.K.<br><br>A research was purchased to appraise the results of full body armour (Kevlar) in case of crisis egress from the downed helicopter. I got very first dibs about this task because...well, mainly because no one else offered!<br><br>That should have already been a sign.<br><br>Anyway, We buckled in to the 9D5 NAWSTP (Naval Aviation Drinking water Success Training course) helicopter crisis multi-egress/crash simulator.<br><br>The simulator resembles a huge oil drum. The inside “cabin" is one of the size the actual cabin of the troop transportation helo. It is suspended over a small, training container (pool) through thick, metal cables. When the actual operator/engineer is actually motivated, he or she releases pressure on the supporting wires and the gadget jams into the drinking water (as being a real helo would throughout an emergency accident landing in to the sea). After that, because all top-heavy helis perform, the unit begins to turn inverted.<br><br>I knew/taught all the appropriate egress methods.<br><br>I continued to be buckled in to the chair.
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Help you mentally leave a hazardous/time-sensitive scenario in order to facilitate quick -- frequently life-saving - choices fairly (as an observer, not really a participant).<br><br>3.Unwind you (actually make you laugh) as you wonder at the absurdity associated with life!<br><br>Again, I said, “Imagine That."<br><br>Above my personal mind, instead of a heavenly complete, round canopy, I saw what was similar to an enormous, used condom! Either a line-over or static electricity was stopping atmosphere through blowing up my personal chute.<br><br>I was oscillating extremely.<br><br>All my tries to inflate the primary chute demonstrated not successful. I spread the primary make risers - nothing. I do the pull-up and rose on 1 riser as well as release - wishing the popping, spring motion of my personal body weight would allow a few atmosphere enter the canopy. No pleasure. I looked for the typical 4-line launch program (a way of controlling/steering a parachute by releasing four outlines powering the canopy), but then remembered
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When We changed the negative thoughts along with appreciation (the love of my spouse), things immediately changed for that better.<br><br>When I stayed positive and agreed to assist the aged man, the world responded in kind; providing us a massively good thing in return (the actual heating essential oil)!<br><br>And I re-examine my personal other “guardian angel,Inch miracle experiences, everything truly is sensible right now. Whenever I obeyed the Universal Laws set up through the Original Material (Lord), something or someone always made an appearance out of no place that helped me to in my hour of need.<br><br>“Until the next time, be brave sufficient to consider a Different Route."<br><br>Your Buddy within this Smart Trip known as Life,<br><br>Carl “J.C." Pantejo<br><br>Law associated with Appeal, Legislation associated with Expected outcomes, Universal Laws, guardian angel, adore, positive, unfavorable.<br><br>Note: If you need to find out more about Universal Laws and regulations, unconditional adore, exorcising past individual demons, and the Illusive Secret associated with Happiness, please read the following articles:<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow': From Heartbreak in order to Happiness"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Two): Coincidence or even Synchronicity: FROM Backslide TO Wonders..."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Three): LOST And located - Kindred Spirits as well as Errors produced in Haste."<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Four): LOST AND FOUND -- Meant to Be?"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Five): “The Stray"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Six): “New Origins, Old Endings"<br><br>“Experiences through 'The Flow' (Seven) -- Living Well?
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I was plastered around the upside down outdoor patio of the simulation.<br><br>“Imagine Which.Inch Kevlar drifts!<br><br>The body armor am buoyant which i was caught, upside down on the outdoor patio of the 9D5. A whole lot worse, the rest of the gear I had upon had been obtaining snagged on my way through my personal egress path. Freight barbs, helo frame, and chairs proved to be only one more thing to disentangle personally through before I could depart the simulation.<br><br>I'm unsure how long I would already been holding my personal inhale. Activity and emotional state may severely reduce your inhale keeping time.<br><br>Outside the trainer, the safety scuba diver, a pal of my own, motioned the actual “need assistance" transmission.<br><br>I smiled as well as waived him or her off.<br><br>Finally, We said “f*ck this," snapped up my HEEDs (helicopter emergency egress gadget - a small Scuba diving container how big a large café-latte from Starbucks), purged the mini-regulator of water, and required a breath associated with compacted air.<br><br>This was always a final resort because incline towards the surface area as well as breathing needed to be managed afterwards. On the breath hold, you could eliminate the dangers associated with DCS (decompression illness) as well as Grow older (arterial gas embolism -- the greater serious situation when a percolate travels with the arteries and accommodations in some rather bothersome locations; namely the heart or even mind).<br><br>Oh nicely, it was likely to be an extended day time compared to
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Assist you to mentally leave the hazardous/time-sensitive situation in order to facilitate quick -- frequently life-saving - choices objectively (as an onlooker, not really a participant).<br><br>3.Relax you (actually cause you to laugh) as you marvel in the absurdity of life!<br><br>Again, We stated, “Imagine Which."<br><br>Above my head, rather than a heavenly complete, spherical canopy, I saw what resembled an enormous, utilized condom! Either the line-over or interferance electricity was preventing air through blowing up my personal chute.<br><br>I had been rotaing wildly.<br><br>All my attempts to inflate the primary chute demonstrated unsuccessful. I spread the primary shoulder risers -- absolutely nothing. I do the pull-up as well as climbed up on 1 riser as well as let go -- hoping that the taking, springtime action associated with my personal bodyweight might let some air enter the cover. No joy. I sought out the typical 4-line release system (a means associated with controlling/steering the parachute by releasing 4 lines powering the canopy), but then remembered
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continuing number of articles about adore, romance, Asian/Western associations, romantic relationship evaluation, and much more.)<br><br>“How Dare Your woman! Out of Desperation I Discovered How to Forgive"<br><br>“Remember What you are!"<br><br>“Need in order to Recover Your Damaged Coronary heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak as well as Learn the Illusive Key associated with Joy."<br><br>“Simple (as well as Priceless) Life Lessons from the The majority of Important Wealth Coach in My Life -- My Father"<br><br>And a lot more!<br><br>(Through Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo and released internet-wide, key phrase: [title associated with article] or even “Carl Pantejo")
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Depending how much in the world and how numerous were affected by your ideas or actions, the actual accrued come back from the universe may be the size of a little influx; or the size of a great browsing influx; or the size an enormous tsunami!<br><br>- Heating system Oil and Common Laws and regulations -<br><br>Now, I realize why the above mentioned “heating oil" occasion unfolded the actual way it did.<br><br>In the start, the actual negative thoughts and self-pity We stored focusing on really drawn a lot of exact same (Law of Attraction).
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By|Through} Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo, Copyright August 07.<br><br>(*Below is an excerpt through “My Buddy Yu - The actual Prosperity Mentor,Inch Copyright laws August 2007. Pantejo - Y.D. Vurce Publishing.)<br><br>One period, after i was a child around Twenty three years old, I purchased a little, beginner home in Marietta, Florida. It involved 25-30 moments away from the Navy blue Foundation exactly where I was designated. The home was tiny as well as aged. It was warmed up through heating system essential oil from the fuel tank situated behind
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These improvements had been ridiculously expensive -- occasionally 20-30% interest, excluding the up-front digesting fees!<br><br>Of course, that simply left me personally beginning the next month with a smaller sized paycheck.<br><br>- Diversion or even Serendipity -<br><br>Yes, I was sensation sorry for myself. How do I get this way? I usually worked very hard. I never was luxurious in almost any section of the financial matters. Exactly how? The reason why? It simply did not seem sensible at the time.<br><br>Then, some exercise in the house across the street distracted me personally; momentarily liberating me in the current “woe-is-me syndrome."<br><br>It appeared as if my personal neighbors had been moving.<br><br>I had recognized that old man for about 8 months (the total period I was in your own home from army operations in the last 12 months . 5). Because he or she appeared therefore lonely, I always managed to get a point to express hello. I assisted him or her together with his yard when I could, and let him tell me about his life.
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The man's solitary scenario reminded me how fortunate I had been to have my wife. I had been instantly full of a great sense of gratitude for that adore as well as companionship of my wife. Although i was dealing with some tough times, all of us always appeared to remember what we really meant to each other.<br><br>Now this appeared as if this lonely, old guy was moving?<br><br>I hoped every thing was going to be okay for him or her. I did not visit a “for Sale" sign in their yard, so I strolled across the street and peered in to their open front door. Indeed, just about all their issues counseled me encased up. When he walked into their family room transporting another container, I took this through him or her and positioned this next to the others.<br><br>After chatting for a bit, he or she explained which his child and husband prolonged an invitation to live with them up northern; and that he was eager to be round his grandkids. I truly wanted him or her best of luck and requested him or her in the event that he or she required help with anything else.<br><br>Then some thing remarkable happened.<br><br>The guy told me that every thing was done except for something. He had to stay for 2 much more times since the people he was having to pay to drain their heating system essential oil tank were as well busy! Immediately I offered to do it for free!<br><br>He was thrilled.<br><br>I had been stunned.<br><br>He had been completely unaware of my desperate requirement for heating system essential oil as well as had been merely pleased to end up being leaving previously.<br><br>Can you think this?<br><br>One moment I'm sensation sorry personally simply because I thought we might freeze; and today my personal neighbors was giving me a full tank associated with heating essential oil - enough to last for at least 3 pay day periods!<br><br>- Common Laws and regulations for action -<br><br>The Loa: Like leads to attract like effects. Being positive draws in more positive things to you; whilst negative thoughts draws in much more negative things.<br><br>The Legislation of Cause and Effect: Sowing and enjoying, juice, or “what circles comes around," and so on. You actually return what you hand out. It holds true that no bad deed goes unpunished. If you reside by the blade, you die by the blade.<br><br>The Legislation of Expected outcomes goes together using the Law of Attraction.
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I expected.<br><br>Without the instant requirement for atmosphere, I systematically doffed the Kevlar jacket, as well as connected this about my arm. I checked out my cousin as well as waived my center hand in the Kevlar vest.<br><br>My buddy got their regulator, smiled, and stuck their usb in the mouth area. Then he or she simulated poking himself in the ass by using it. The which means had been obvious: F*ck me! I'm by no means putting on Kevlar in a heli-copter soaring over the water!<br><br>And neither will I.<br><br>- A poor Work day -<br><br>Back to the situation available: “Big Army Parachute, Not-So-Big Man."<br><br>I understood it was going to be a poor day once the archaic physique harness from the big parachute and starting shock helped me feel like I was becoming divided in two - in the crotch up!<br><br>After beating on my numbed legs, I instantly examined my canopy and saw the following hint associated with my personal bad day.<br><br>Reflexively, I said out loud, “Imagine That" (my own “bleeding down" catch-phrase).<br><br>For people that weren't indoctrinated in to the fantastic world of hazardous duty, allow me to cue you in. Almost just about all operators possess a “bleeding lower or even delivering pressure," personal catch-phrase they say to themselves to right away calm down.<br><br>These catch-phrases serve an important purpose. They put you into a mindset that's conducive in order to success, particularly when you're “having a bad work day."<br><br>Catch-phrases will:<br><br>1.Delete damaging/time-consuming feelings out of your current situation.<br><br>2.
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Through Carl “J.D.Inch Pantejo, Copyright May 2008<br><br>Author “My Buddy Yu - The Prosperity Mentor,Inch Copyright July 2007. Pantejo - B.N. Vurce Posting.<br><br>*The subsequent story is integrated within “My Friend Yu -- the Prosperity Mentor: Guide 2," Pantejo - B.N. Vurce Posting. Launch Date: 2008.<br><br>“[Life] Amazing! Isn't it?..."<br><br>- Helping out for Extra Spend -<br><br>I had been always fairly “open-minded" about extra pay. What the Heck, I got'ta work anyway, correct? Why not really get a small extra, for just a little additional agony.<br><br>One time We offered for Experimental Pay which included me carrying out a cold-weather objective “while putting on the primary body's temperature information selection gadget."<br><br>The data had been needed to engineer much better anti-exposure equipment with regard to missions exactly where hypothermia would be a actual danger; also to style nutritionally sound, cold-weather MRE's (meals, ready to consume) personalized towards the dimension as well as activity of every operator.<br><br>In actuality, the “...with a primary body's temperature information selection device" had been the state method of stating that We as well as my personal entire team were doing the work in an exceedingly cold area WITH Anal THERMOMETERS Securely Stuck UP OUR BUTTS AND Moored Presently there Through AN INFLATABLE BULB AT THE END OF Every PROBE!<br><br>Needless to express, it had been an inconvenience to consider a dump -- as well as rather unpleasant should you forgot in order to flatten the bulb!<br><br>Another time,
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